September 26, 2023 2023 China Documentary Festival international screening held in Chile China Media Group and the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean jointly held the 2023 China Documentary Festival international screening at the UN in Santiago, Chile on Monday. ...
UNITED NATIONS United Nations Environment Programme UNEP/PP/INC.3/4 Distr.: General 4 September 2023 Original: English Intergovernmental negotiating committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment Third session Nairobi, 13–19 ...
On 12 September 2023, the case was transferred to Branch 15 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court, despite the fact that the majority of cases related to the “Woman, Life, Freedom” protests were pardoned following a general amnesty issued by the Iranian judiciary in February 2023. The human righ...
“Watch and Pray, as Nations begin to Realign, for the Day of Righteous Reckoning has surely begun for NATO Nations that have run out of time!” says The LORD! Continue reading → Prophecy United Kingdom12 Replies Revival Passion! February 3, 2025 Chris G. Bennett “I AM about to ...
Posted in Demographics, Entitlements, Italy, Social Security, United States, tagged Demographics, Entitlements, Italy, Social Security, United States on September 23, 2023| 14 Comments » Many nations face a slow-motion fiscal crisis because of demographics. To be more specific, politicians last...
The earliest signal that a maximum saturation condition has been achieved is rising GLOBAL inflation.In this situation, inflation must be WIDESPREAD, involving multiple nations.Secondly, this widespread inflationary situation must be followed by repeated, and unsuccessful attempts by central banks collective...
Risk-taking is embedded in the national DNA. It’s why many Americans love the gambling mecca of Las Vegas, where fortunes are sometimes won and lost. It’s also a key ingredient that makes the US one of the most competitive business nations on earth. ...
United Nations Global Compact: Communication on Progress 2020 Reporting on Our Growth as a Responsible Company Next OVERVIEW PEOPLE SOCIAL IMPACT PATH TO NET-ZERO SUPPLY CHAIN ETHICS & GOVERNANCE REPORTING & DATA Overview A letter to our stakeholders Goals & Progres...
be[cause it could be] used…to justify surveillance…and infring[e] on digital rights…One key concern…[i]s a clause that would allow [signatory] nations…to request data on [anything they choose to label a “]serious crime[” regardless of the act’s legal statu]s in other nations...
That being said, the burden of government is so large in the United States and other nations that I’d be delighted if we ever got back to a budget that only consumes 20 percent of GDP. Especially sinceofficial projectionsshow government will get even bigger. ...