Important:The following are the rules and other provisions (collectively, "Rules") of the MileagePlus® Program, which includes but is not limited to the accrual and redemption of miles, awards and benefits and Premier® and Million Miler benefits, (collectively, the "Program"). By enrollin...
MileagePlus rules The accrual of miles and Premier® qualifying credits, redemption of and provision of benefits through the United MileagePlus program, including the Premier Program, are subject to change and are subject to the rules of the MileagePlus program. ...
美国联合航空公司,简称美联航,IATA代码UA,ICAO代码UAL,里程项目为 MileagePlus。 2. 里程积累 2.1. 飞行积累 乘坐UA与SA联盟及伙伴航班可以积累,具体积累规则可以点击链接查看。 2.2. 信用卡积累 Chase 发行的美联航联名信用卡,主要包括: United MileagePlus Explorer United MileagePlus Explorer Business United Mileag...
to the MileagePlus Program does not purport to be complete or comprehensive and may not include all of the information that a member may believe is important, and is qualified in its entirety by reference to all of the information on the website and the MileagePlus Program rules....
We’re always updating the MileagePlus® program to help you get the most from your miles. Some of the most recent changes we’ve made or features we’ve announced are detailed here.
United Airlines 新增了一項令人期待的新功能:里程全家桶!MileagePlus 用戶可以建立 Miles Pool,並邀請其他人加入,Pool 中的成員可以分享自己的里程用於兌換里程票。 UA Miles Pool UA 全家桶主要有以下條款: 發起人 pool leader 可以 create a pool 然後邀請 member,邀請的時候可以選擇是否 permit member to redeem...
Keep in mind:The United MileagePlus Dining program is operated by theRewards Networkdining program. As part of the network’s rules, each credit or debit card can only be registered with one Rewards Network dining program at a time. If you’ve already registered a card with theAmerican AAdv...
美联航购物返利网站和手机appMileagePlus X (MPX)。 入住和美联航合作的酒店,如希尔顿和万豪,或通过租车(Hertz,Dollar,Thrifty等)和坐火车(Amtrak)获得美联航里程。 如果换票只差少量里程,可通过在美联航官网购买获得。一般来说在官网购买里程并不划算,但如果兑换机票只差少量里程,不失为一种快速方便获得里程...
作为前程万里(MileagePlus®)的会员,您可通过日常活动赚取奖励里程,用于您的旅行、体验、餐饮等等。专享礼遇 使用您的积分预订机票 获得美国联合航空航班服务升级 享受MileagePlus 提供的专享优惠 使用积分 将您的奖励积分兑换 MileagePlus 里程 将您的奖励积分转换为 MileagePlus 里程,为您的下次假期购买机票。 转换...