了解前程万里 (MileagePlus) 的基础知识。赚取里程,并将其用于支付托运行李费用、Wi-Fi 和机舱内小吃。您甚至可以将其用于购买奖励航班。 赚取里程 使用里程 购买或转让里程 信用卡选项 前程万里计划更新信息 贵宾(Premier) 身份 获得前程万里 (MileagePlus) 贵宾 (Premier®) 会员身份,升级您的旅行体验。贵宾 (Pr...
The United MileagePlus program is a free airline loyalty program that allows you to earn rewards when you fly with United and United partners. Joining the program can also help you achieve elite status, allowing you to earn miles faster, gain access to upgrades and enjoy other perks. ...
as well as MileagePlus benefit guidelines. You can search by city or ZIP code, explore a map view of restaurants around you or search for specific foods or cuisines. For select locations, you may see additional offers if you make a reservation with the restaurant...
MileagePlus program updates Premier status MileagePlus Premier®status takes your travel experience to the next level. Premier members enjoy benefits like free upgrades and free access to Economy Plus®. Premier status overview Premier benefits ...
United MileagePlus is one of the most valuable frequent flyer programs. This in-depth guide will walk you through everything you need know about earning miles, redeeming miles, status, and more.
美联航拥有多条中美航线,里程兑换非常灵活,不仅可以兑换众多自家航班,还可以兑换加拿大航空(Air Canada,AC),全日空(ANA),国航(Air China,CA),汉莎等所有星空联盟伙伴公司的机票。飞行常客计划:Mileage Plus (Premier 1K, Premier Platinum, Premier Gold和Premier Silver)。常客会员的福利可在此查询。
United Airlinesis one of the biggest airlines in the world, and therefore it’s no surprise thattheir loyalty program, MileagePlus, is also one of the most popular airline loyalty programs. It allows you to earn miles by flying on United Airlines flights, and redeeming those miles for free ...
United Airlines 新增了一項令人期待的新功能:里程全家桶!MileagePlus 用戶可以建立 Miles Pool,並邀請其他人加入,Pool 中的成員可以分享自己的里程用於兌換里程票。 UA Miles Pool UA 全家桶主要有以下條款: 發起人 pool leader 可以 create a pool 然後邀請 member,邀請的時候可以選擇是否 permit member to redeem...
TheUnited Airlines 2024 status matchoffers Qantas Silver, Gold, Platinum and Platinum One frequent flyers animmediateboost to the equivalent status in United’s MileagePlus rewards program for four solid months of free perks such as lounge access, complimentary checked bags, complimentary upgrades, pri...
https://buymiles.mileageplus.com/united/landing_page/?irgwc=1 里程使用教程 和阿拉斯加航空以及美国航空一样,通过美联航里程兑换的里程票所需里程数是按照起始地和目的地的区域来计算的,美联航将全球分为北美、拉美以及加勒比、欧洲中东、非洲和太平洋五个大区,而每个大区里面又分为了若干个小区。具体从A地飞往...