The Case for Unitary Enforcement of Federal Labor Law - Concerning a Specialized Article III Court and the Reorganization of Existing Agencies* This Article is an expanded and revised version of material presented by the author in two shorter papers: Labor Court: A New Perspective, delivered July...
This Essay concludes, based on a political economy analysis, that many states, cities, and other sub-national authorities (SNAs) will continue to take strong independent climate regulatory initiatives even after the federal government adopts a broad cap-and-trade system. Should federal law allow ...
1990. "Fragmenting the Unitary Executive: Congressional Delegations of Administrative Authority Outside the Federal Government." Northwestern University Law Review. 85:62-112.Harold J.Krent.Fragmenting the Unitary Executive:Congressional Delegations of Administrative Authority Outside the Federal Government...
Philip, P., Enforcing a Unitary Patent in Europe: What the US Federal Courts and Community Design Courts teach us, (2012) 35 Loy. L.A. Int'l & Comp. L. Rev. 55.Philip P. Soo, Enforcing a Unitary Patent in Europe : What the U. S. Federal Courts and Community Design Courts ...