2a. Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks. 2a. 听对话并填空。 点击上方绿标即可收听 (音频来自网络)版权归作者所有There is a ping-pong bat here. Is it yours?这里有一个乒乓球拍。是你的吗?No, it isn't m...
Fill in the blanks.填空。Then play the game “I didn’t hear you.”然后玩游戏”我没有听到你。”Mary has a cat.玛丽有一只猫。→ What does Mary have?→ 玛丽有什么?He goes to school by bus.他乘公共汽车去上学。→ How does he...
Fill in the blanks.2c PAIRWORKRole play the Conversation in 2b.We need to come up with a plan.Let's have lunch first.No,we can't put off making a plan.Clean-Up Day is only two weeks from now.Grammar FocusPhrasal verbSentenceMeaning of phrasal verbcheer upHe looks sad.Let's cheer...
;universe含“宇宙万物”之意,指物质,如星星、太阳、月球等,其前常用定冠词the;sky指从地球上看,头顶之上的“天空”,通常与定冠词连用,多用单数形式,如果前在面有形容词修饰,则用“a(an)+形容词+sky”句式。 【例】 Nobody can tell exactly information about when the universe first came into being. ...
隐藏着字母的图片)Letstudentslookatthepicturescarefully. T:Whatletterscanyoufind? Ss:… 2.Listenandcirclethefirstsound.(完成课本上的练习) ChecktheanswersonthePPT. 3.Drawapictureincludingthesewordsandsaytheminthesentencepattern“Isee…”.(groupwork) T:Iseeanantontheapple. 作业 1.writethelettersonyour...
(1)投影出示文字介绍及一幅线路图: sally is on holiday in ganyu now. she wants to go to some place ( xinhua bookshop, the post office, hualian supermarket, the bank of china , the cinema ),but she doesn’t know how to get there, and she meets you at hebing park, can you tell he...
2c Listen to the three conversations. Fill in the blanks with the correct sentences in the box. Ms Gao : Good morning , class. Class : ___. Ms Gao : ___. Peter: My name is Peter Brown. Ms Gao : ___. Peter: P-E-T-E-R , Peter. B...
circletheletters 使用字典 useadictionary 填空 fillintheblanks 按照字母顺序 inalphabeticalorder 下课 Classisover. 举办比赛 haveacompetition 唱歌 singasong 和……一样快 asfastas 四、语篇 SectionA语篇 Conversation1 对话1 高老师:同学们,早上好。
grape;(学习理3Watchandcircle3.学生看视频圈教师观察学生是否 解)Q:WhereareIhey出正确的答案:Ai能看视频圈出答 A.Atthefarm.thefamι.案给与指导和反 B.Attheshop.馈。 4∖Vatchandchoose4.学生看视频 Ql:DoesMikeIike选择正确的答教师根据学生回答 apples案:问题的情况给与 A.Yes,hedoes.B.No,Ql:Yes...
Watchandcircle.Whereismybag?ListenandchooseA:It’sinthe…B:It’sinthe…C:It’sinthe…bed+roombedroom合成词:指的是由两个或以上的英文词构成的单词。 Wherearemyskirts?ListenandchooseA:It’sinthe…B:It’sinthe…C:It’sinthe…livingroom客厅,起居室sofaWhereismywhitecap?ListenandchooseA:It’sin...