Unit 1 AP World Vocab (1900-Present) 2021 儲存 5.0 (5則評論) 單詞卡 學習 測試 配對 Bubonic Plague 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 a deadly disease that spread across Asia and Europe in the mid-14th century, killing millions of people; also called the Black Death 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / ...
AP World History复习提纲(unit 3~uint4) theme 1 Humans and the environment theme 2 cultural developments and interactions(important) theme3 governance Centralizing Control In Europe: King James1 believed in the divine right of kings, a common calim from the Middle Ages that the riught to rule...
AP World History Unit 1 Review 學生們也學習了 單詞卡學習集 學習指南 Unit 3: Development Set 1 老師15個詞語 J_Jones929 預覽 Unit 3: Development Set 2 老師47個詞語 J_Jones929 預覽 history chapter 30-32.2 老師59個詞語 dfoy14 預覽 Period 8 - Foreign Affair prompts 18個詞語 kirkbrookie9 ...
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1、课标要求 掌握本节课重要单词及短语,例如:put…intooperation,delicate,catchone’seye,leisure等;引导学生通过精读,感知课文的语言特点,学习并掌握与话题相关的词汇和表达,并能运用所学语言介绍青藏铁路。 2、思政素养 基于单元提供的游记,学生能够运用寻读方法,读懂与保护自然文化遗产相关的文章内容,树立人与自然...
)1.Howdostudentsusuallystudyeverydayaccordingtothepassage? A.Theyhaveclassesatschoolanduseonlinetoolsathome. B.Theyhaveclassesatschool,takenotesanddohomework. C.Theylearnthroughdigitalwaysandhaveclassesintheclassroom. D.Theyhaveclasses,takenotesanddohomeworkathome. )2.Threeimportantkindsofdigitallearningaremen...
1) Complete the notes about Michelas typical day.7:00 7:00 get up, get the kids readyget up, get the kids ready8:30 8:30 9:00 9:00 12:00 12:00 14:30 14:30 9、take kids to schoolstart workhave lunchfinish work to get the children 2) How long has she been with her ...
NotesBack接受邀请的回函一般包含以下内容:接受邀请的回函一般包含以下内容:1) 感谢对方的邀请,并重述邀请函中的主要内容,如时间、地点等。2) 表示高兴地接受邀请,并简要说明自己的打算。3) 表示期待赴会。谢绝邀请的回函一般包含以下内容:谢 59、绝邀请的回函一般包含以下内容:1) 感谢对方的邀请。2) 说明自己无法...
This means students must learn to take notes with attentionF. You should remember to increase your test preparation timeG. It’s important to keep checklists to complete your homework 答案语篇类型:说明文 主题语境:人与自我【解题导语】 本文主要介绍了高中学习需要培养的习惯和技能。61.D 根据空前的...