Unit 1 The Global Tapestry 这一单元应该是AP世界历史最难的一单元,好消息是这一单元只考8-10%的内容,坏消息是这是孩子们学习的第一单元,很多人刚学习AP历史的时候直接被第一单元整得晕头转向,然后有了厌学情绪,这种情况在讨厌或者对历史不感兴趣的学生中尤为常见。 我们先聊一下:为什么这一单元难? 再聊一...
AP World History复习提纲(unit 3~uint4) theme 1 Humans and the environment theme 2 cultural developments and interactions(important) theme3 governance Centralizing Control In Europe: King James1 believed in the divine right of kings, a common calim from the Middle Ages that the riught to rule...
Next to the Palace Museum is Tian'anmen Square, the biggest city square in the world. 故宫旁边就是世界上最大的城市广场--天安门广场。 Many tourists like to gather there early in the morning to watch the raising of the national flag. 许多游客喜欢一大早聚集在那里观看升旗仪式。 In the north-...
Spring is a short season in many places around the world. 春天在世界上很多地方都是一个短暂的季节。 But in my hometown, it feels like spring nearly all year round. 但是在我的家乡,似乎一年四季都是春天。 The weather here is neither too hot nor too cold. 这儿的气候不是太热也不是太冷。
国开《综合英语(1)》 Unit1-14 单元练习及答案.pdf,国开《综合英语(1)》 Unit1-14 单元练习及答案 国开01878-综合英语(1)-Unit1 单元练习答案 [题目]I hope we will a business relationship to benefit both of our companies. 答案:strike up [题目]It was really ve
1.According to the text, Marie Curie. A.achieved success with her father's helpB.separated two radioactive elements alone C.made contributions to the study of XraysD.won the Nobel Prize twice with her husband 2....
湖南专用|2020牛津译林版高中英语高一必修二Unit1-4课文+课文翻译 2021-01-04 The Internet:a world without frontiers 互联网:无疆世界 The Internet has the power to connectpeople across the world to a single sharedcommunity. Bi...
1.Conentratingonyourtask,youanfindasientifisolutiontoitassoonaspossible. 2.BylearningChinese,Iamapableofsettingmyselfapartfromtheotherjobappliants. 3.Somepeoplehavemadegreatahievementstooursoiety,youngpeopleinpartiular. 4.Withtimegoingby,moreandmoreyoungpeoplearefondofplayingtenniswhentheyare available. ...
1.The result is that the Mediterranean, which nurtured so many civilisations, is gravely ill -- the first of the seas to fall victim to the abilities and attitudes that evolved around it.结果导致孕育众多文明的地中海环境极其恶劣—第一个由于其周围人们对其利用能力的增强和对其环境污染的忽视态度而...