Morning All, I'm stuck with a Problem that I'm not sure which formula will sort out, I got a Column with unique values in, now there are hundreds of these values and I don't know all of their names or how big the column will grow and I don't just want the quantity of the un...
Very basic question. I'm looking at data from over 6000 patients. In a given column that contains various WHO diagnosis codes I want to enumerate/sum how many patients have diagnosis X, how many have diagnosis Y, how many have diagnosis Z etc. How do I do that? Other columns will ...
I want to get a list, preferably a String array, of all the unique values in this column. prettyprint Function UniqueItems(ByVal R As Range, _ Optional ByVal Compare As VbCompareMethod = vbBinaryCompare, _ Optional ByRef Count) As Variant 'Return an array with all unique values in R ...
an optional vector of the values (as character strings) that x might have taken. The default is the unique set of values taken by as.character(x), sorted into increasing order of x. Note that this set can be specified as smaller than sort(unique(x)). labels either an optional character...
The problem is that the "DISTINCT" query takes AGES to complete. I don't actually know how long, because I stopped the query after 25 minutes. Is there a faster way for me to get unique values from a column? Subject Written By
I am have setup a SharePoint list that has a calculated column that takes other columns that formats the values together. I need the calculated column to have unique values. How can setup this column to only have calculated values?All replies (4)...
The "n/a" values for the default, primary key, and unique constraints status_enabled column help confirm that disabling any of those constraints isn't allowed.What about the sp_helpconstraint system stored procedure and the foreign keys? The publishers table doesn't have any foreign keys, but...
1. Count of unique values in each column Using the pandas dataframenunique()function with default parameters gives a count of all the distinct values in each column. Data Science Programs By Skill Level Introductory Harvard University Data Science: Learn R Basics for Data Science ...
Unique Values in Vector Define a vector with a repeated value. A = [9 2 9 5]; Find the unique values ofA. C = unique(A) C =1×32 5 9 Unique Rows in Table Create a table with some repeated data. Name = {'Fred';'Betty';'Bob';'George';'Jane'}; Age = [38;43;38;40;38...
Re: Select unique vals in column. Anything faster than SELECT DISTINCT? Chad Bourque July 23, 2010 12:45PM Re: Select unique vals in column. Anything faster than SELECT DISTINCT? Shawn Taylor July 23, 2010 12:38PM Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed....