Pandas Get Unique Values in Column Unique is also referred to as distinct, you can get unique values in the column using pandasSeries.unique()function, since this function needs to call on the Series object, usedf['column_name']to get the unique values as a Series. Syntax: # Syntax of ...
df = pd.DataFrame({'FirstName': ['Arun', 'Navneet', 'Shilpa', 'Prateek', 'Pyare', 'Prateek'], 'LastName': ['Singh', 'Yadav', 'Yadav', 'Shukla', 'Lal', 'Mishra'], 'Age': [26, 25, 25, 27, 28, 30]}) # To get unique values in 1 series/column print(f"Unique FN: ...
'missing_values': df.isnull().sum().sum(), 'duplicate_rows': df.duplicated().sum(), 'data_types': df.dtypes.value_counts().to_dict(), 'unique_values': {col: df[col].nunique() for col in df.columns} } return pd.DataFrame(report.items(), columns=['Metric', 'Value']) 数据...
Python program to get unique values from multiple columns in a pandas groupby # Importing pandas packageimportpandasaspd# Importing numpy packageimportnumpyasnp# Creating a dictionaryd={'A':[10,10,10,20,20,20],'B':['a','a','b','c','c','b'],'C':['b','d','d','f','e...
# count of each unique value in the "Gender" column print(df['Gender'].value_counts()) Output: Male 3 Female 2 Name: Gender, dtype: int64 In the above example, the pandas seriesvalue_counts()function is used to get the counts of'Male'and'Female', the distinct values in the column...
Get unique values in column of Pandas dataframe Read more → Drop rows in Pandas Read more → Using the iloc() function to to replace values in column of pandas DataFrameThe iloc() function is similar to the loc() function and can be used to access columns and rows of a DataFrame. ...
Get unique values from Pandas Series using the unique function Get unique values from Pandas Series using unique method Identify the unique values of a dataframe column Run this code first Two quick pieces of setup, before you run the examples. ...
Series s.loc[indexer] DataFrame df.loc[row_indexer,column_indexer] 基础知识 如在上一节介绍数据结构时提到的,使用[](即__getitem__,对于熟悉在 Python 中实现类行为的人)进行索引的主要功能是选择较低维度的切片。以下表格显示了使用[]索引pandas 对象时的返回类型值: 对象类型 选择 返回值类型 Series seri...
converted_obj=pd.DataFrame()forcolingl_obj.columns:num_unique_values=len(gl_obj[col].unique())num_total_values=len(gl_obj[col])ifnum_unique_values/num_total_values<0.5:converted_obj.loc[:,col]=gl_obj[col].astype('category')else:converted_obj.loc[:,col]=gl_obj[col] ...
Do some clean-up on df to get the strings in lower case and split: df['text'].str.lower().str.split() Out[43]: 0 [my, nickname, is, ft.jgt] 1 [someone, is, going, to, my, place] Each list in this column can be passed to set.update function to get unique values. Use...