Unique Entries in Cell Array of Character Vectors Create a cell array of character vectors. A = {'one','two','twenty-two','One','two'}; Find the unique character vectors contained inA. C = unique(A) C =1x4 cell{'One'} {'one'} {'twenty-two'} {'two'} ...
Unique Values in Array Containing NaNs Open Live Script Define a vector containing NaN. A = [5 5 NaN NaN]; Find the unique values of A. C = unique(A) C = 1×3 5 NaN NaN unique treats NaN values as distinct. Unique Elements in Presence of Numerical Error Open Live Script...
Unique Values in Array Containing NaNs Define a vector containingNaN. A = [5 5 NaN NaN]; Find the unique values ofA. C = unique(A) C =1×35 NaN NaN uniquetreatsNaNvalues as distinct. Unique Elements in Presence of Numerical Error ...
Unique Values in Array Containing NaNs Open in MATLAB OnlineCopy Code Copy Command Define a vector containing NaN. Get A = [5 5 NaN NaN]; Find the unique values of A. Get C = unique(A) C = 1×3 5 NaN NaN unique treats NaN values as distinct. Unique Elements in Presence...
Unique Values in Array Containing NaNs Define a vector containingNaN. A = [5 5 NaN NaN]; Find the unique values ofA. C = unique(A) C =1×35 NaN NaN uniquetreatsNaNvalues as distinct. Unique Elements in Presence of Numerical Error ...
MATLABGraphicsImages Help Center및File Exchange에서Images에 대해 자세히 알아보기 태그 cell array Community Treasure Hunt Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover how the community can help you! Start Hunting!
Find unique rows of a cell array containing columns with strings or scalars, or N-D matrices 팔로우 4.1 (17) 다운로드 수: 4.5K 업데이트 날짜:2009/11/29 라이선스 보기 공유 MATLAB Online에서 열기 ...
clc;clear% 本程序为字母数字的cell的unique示例程序C=cell(60,1);for i=1:20 C{i,1}='skd';endfor i=21:40 C{i,1}='butject';endfor i=41:60 C{i,1}=[100,200,300];end[A,I,J]=unic(C);% unic函数只适用于一维(n行1列)的cell数组最后得到的结果是:
C = unique(A,vars) returns a dataset that contains only one observation for each unique combination of values for the variables in A specified in vars. vars is a positive integer, a vector of positive integers, a character vector, a string array, a cell array of character vectors, or a...