I have tried using the unique function to identify pairs (sets, in general) of identical values [after transposing the matrix so I can work on rows] but I must not be using it properly. I assume I will use sortrows to sort the subsets in descending order (assuming my criteria...
t = varfun(@(x){unique(x,'stable')},t) t = 1×3 table Fun_Var1 Fun_Var2 Fun_Var3 ___ ___ ___ {2×1 cell} {2×1 cell} {3×1 cell} t.(1){:} ans = 2×1 cell array {'red' } {'orange'} t.(2){:} ans = 2×1 cell array {'blue' } {'orange'} ...
編集済み:Les Beckham
For identification, all graphics objects have aTagproperty that you can set to any character vector. You can then search for the specific property/value pair. For example, suppose that you create a check box that is sometimes inactivated in the UI. By assigning a unique value for theTagprope...
find unique sets of values in matrix, eliminate... Learn more about matrix decimation unique sets of values
edges = unique(duration); histObject = histogram(duration, edges) maxCount = max(histObject.Values) indexes = find(histObject.Values == maxCount) for k = 1 : length(indexes) fprintf('max of %d counts occurs between %d and %d.\n',... maxCount, edges(indexes(k)), edges(indexes(k)...
For identification, all graphics objects have aTagproperty that you can set to any character vector. You can then search for the specific property/value pair. For example, suppose that you create a check box that is sometimes inactivated in the UI. By assigning a unique value for theTagprope...
imfindcirclesprovides two algorithms for finding circles in images: phase-coding (default) and two-stage. Both share some common computational steps, but each has its own unique aspects as well. The common computational features shared by both algorithms are as follows: ...
array_typeA(boost::extents[3][4][2]);int values =0;for(index i=0; i!=3; ++i)for(index j=0; j!=4; ++j)for(index k=0; k!=2; ++k) A[i][j][k] = values++; 2.1.5 图 Boost.Graph Docs:http://boost.org/libs/graph ...
Open in MATLAB Online Hello everyone!!! I have two 1x10 matrixes named A and B. ThemeCopy A=[1 1 2 3 3 2 4 5 4 5]; B=[0 3 10 6 15 22 23 28 21 25]; I need to find the each minimum values of B while A has different values. For example; while A is...