* erase uses a vector operation to remove the nonunique elements*/vector<string>::iterator end_unique = unique(words.begin(), words.end());words.erase(end_unique, words.end());在STL中unique函数是一个去重函数, unique的功能是去除相邻的重复元素(只保留一个),其实它并不真正把重复...
Finds the common and unique elements in a character vector.
v1_NewEnd3 = unique ( v1.begin ( ) , v1_NewEnd2, greater<int>( ) );cout << "Removing adjacent elements satisfying the binary\n "<< " predicate mod_equal from vector v1 gives ( " ;for ( v1_Iter3 = v1.begin( ) ; v1_Iter3 != v1_NewEnd3 ; v1_Iter3++ ...
Unique Elements in Presence of Numerical Error Create a vectorx. Obtain a second vectoryby transforming and untransformingx. This transformation introduces round-off differences iny. x = (1:6)'*pi; y = 10.^log10(x); Verify thatxandyare not identical by taking the difference. ...
Unique Elements in Presence of Numerical Error Create a vectorx. Obtain a second vectoryby transforming and untransformingx. This transformation introduces round-off differences iny. x = (1:6)'*pi; y = 10.^log10(x); Verify thatxandyare not identical by taking the difference. ...
5 * front portion of words and returns an iterator one past the 6 unique range; 7 * erase uses a vector operation to remove the nonunique elements 8 */9vector<string>::iterator end_unique=unique(words.begin(),words.end());10words.erase(end_unique,words.end()); ...
Representation and retrieval of images using context vectors derived from image information elements Image features are generated by performing wavelet transformations at sample points on images stored in electronic form. Multiple wavelet transformations at a point are combined to form an image feature vect...
());3/*eliminate duplicate words:4* unique reorders words so that each word appears once in the5* front portion of words and returns an iterator one past the6unique range;7* erase uses a vector operation to remove the nonunique elements8*/9vector<string>::iterator end_unique =unique(...
Fig. 3: FREE1 specifically interacts with the distinct paralogs of ATG8. a Y2H analysis of BD-FREE1231–601 (the truncated FREE1 without self-activation on BD vector) with AD-ATG8 isoforms. b Evolutionary relationships of ATG8 isoforms. The optimal tree with the sum of branch length=4.3264...
np.unique(a, return_counts=True): Find the unique elements in the array 'a' and their counts using the np.unique function. The return_counts parameter is set to True, so the function returns two arrays: one containing the unique elements and another containing the corresponding counts of th...