Miniconda is the small, portable, and minimal bootstrap version of the Anaconda installer. It only includes Python, conda along with its dependencies, and some other useful packages like zlib and pip. The Miniconda package can support and be installed in Windows, Linux, and macOS.This tutorial...
A conda package (built by Anaconda) Anaconda Distribution (formerly Anaconda Individual Edition) Miniconda Anaconda.orgWhat happened?I can't uninstall the Anaconda3. I'm running on Windows 10. First, I tried uninstalling it by following Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features:But, still...
Anaconda模块 1.Anaconda简介 Anaconda是一个开源的Python发行版本,其包含了conda、Python等180多个科学包及其依赖项。因为包含了大量的科学包,Anaconda 的下载文件比较大(约 531 MB),如果只需要某些包,或者需要节省带宽或存储空间,也可以使用Miniconda这个较小的发行版(仅包含conda和 Python)。 Conda是一个... ...