Simply use Windows Explorer and find the directory where the Miniconda package has been installed. There will be a Miniconda uninstall.exe application in the root directory of the installation of miniconda that can be run to uninstall the package. Additionally, we can also remove the envs and ...
The easiest way to uninstall Miniconda — or any other app — from your Mac is to use a dedicated uninstaller. We recommendCleanMyMac. With CleanMyMac, you can uninstall apps in just a couple of clicks. You can also use it to reset misbehaving apps by removing all their settings and removi...
In order to uninstall Anaconda, you need to remove its installation directory completely. Conclusion Anaconda is a powerful, cross platform tool which makes data science analysis an easy to do job. It is highly scale-able, many organizations have deployed it on multi-server, clusters, big data...
Uninstalling Python Anaconda/Miniconda To uninstall Python Anconda/Miniconda, you can just remove the installation folder and remove the environment variables set in .bashrc file. For my installation, it will be just like this. [root@linuxhelp ~]# rm -rf /usr/local/anaconda/ [root@linuxhelp ...
In Bash, I can do the following to enable conda: ~> eval "$(/home/jrmet/miniconda3/bin/conda shell.bash hook)" (base) ~> In Xonsh, I have tried a number of "similar looking commands", but I do not know how to activate my miniconda3 conda...
To install Anaconda, run the Anaconda Bash shell script like this: Those who don’t want Anaconda to take up all the disk space on their system can install Miniconda instead. Miniconda is a lighter distribution that only comes packed with conda and Pytho...
ImageMagickis a free and open source, feature-rich, text-based, and cross-platformimage manipulation toolused to create, edit, compose, or convert bitmap images. It runs on Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, iOS, Android OS, and many other operating systems. ...
You can uninstall cupy117, then install cupy version to 12.1. Here are the instructions for installing cupy. I think pip install cupy-cuda121 will work for you. Author 4lt3r3go commented Jun 26, 2024 • edited thanks. I don't want to be nitpicky or annoy you, I'm just sharing ...
Unlike other programs, you do not get a .exe setup file here. You will need to download the package using the recommended package manager. #1. Using Miniconda and pip (Recommended Method) Note:At the time of writing this, TensorFlow 2.10 is the last version to support GPU on Windows (nat...
./ [Optional] Create and activate an conda environment To create a conda environment, run conda create -n newenvYou can also create the environment from a file like environment.yml, you can use use the conda env create -f command: conda env create -f en...