Trash talk: the dollars and sense of recycling For the first time in three decades, zoning regulations for the unincorporated areas of Coos County are being comprehensively reviewed and updated, and by early summer, it is expected that residents will have a chance to comment. Coos County looks...
Define unincorporated. unincorporated synonyms, unincorporated pronunciation, unincorporated translation, English dictionary definition of unincorporated. adj 1. law lacking corporate status 2. not unified or included Collins English Dictionary – Comple
The unincorporated areas of Marin County are subject to the Rental Housing Dispute Resolution Ordinance. Marin County, Cal. Mun. Code § 5.95.020. The ordinance is not a rent control ordinance that restricts the amount that rent can be increased. Rather, it is way for tenants to respond to...