YUBA CITY — In the month of October, Sutter County saw 27 DUI arrests, which places it in the top 10 among California counties for drunk-driving crashes.According to California's Office of Traffic Safety (OTS),Sutter ranks 7th among the state's 58 countiesfor most alcohol-involved crashes....
Snyder said they were able to put out the Murphy and Quartz Fire quickly on Sunday because of the immediate help from surrounding agencies. "The Jackson incident down the hill yesterday drew down quite a few of our cal fire resources and so we were left with mostly local agencies," Snyder ...
Broke Leg Falls is a nature preserve in Kentucky's eastern Menifee County that shows what could happen when an EF-3 tornado rips through a wooded area—because after a twister ripped the surrounding trees out in 2012, the hidden waterfalls within Daniel Boone National Forest were suddenly and ...
Map of sampled vineyards in San Joaquin, Sacramento and Yolo Counties, surrounding the town of Lodi, California.Katherine ScrantonMenelaos StavrinidesNicholas J. MillsPerry de Valpine
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In the month of October, Sutter County saw 27 DUI arrests, which places it in the top 10 among California counties for drunk-driving crashes.