#ifdef GL_ES precision mediump float; #endif uniform vec2 resolution; // 画布尺寸(宽,高) uniform vec2 mouse; // 鼠标位置(在屏幕上哪个像素) uniform float time; // 时间(加载后的秒数) 你可以把 uniforms 想象成连通 GPU 和 CPU 的许多小的桥梁。虽然这些 uniforms 的名字千奇百怪,但是在这...
mShaderInterlaced.uniform("window_size", Vec2f( getWindowSize() ) );// bind the FBO texture and draw a full screen rectangle,// which conveniently is exactly what the following line doesgl::draw( mFbo.getTexture(), Rectf(0,float(size.y),float(size.x),0) );// disable the interlace...
uniform vec3 iChannelResolution[4]; // channel resolution (in pixels) uniform vec4 iMouse; // mouse pixel coords. xy: current (if MLB down), zw: click uniform samplerXX iChannel0…3; iResolution const { width, height } = renderer.getSize(new THREE.Vector2()); /** * x,y canvas ...
varying vec2 textureOut:输入的纹理坐标。 uniform sampler2D tex_y、tex_u、tex_v:分别表示YUV三个通道的纹理数据。 void main(void):主函数,定义了着色器程序的行为。 vec3 yuv:定义了一个vec3类型的变量,用于存储从纹理中提取的YUV值。 vec3 rgb:定义了一个vec3类型的变量,用于存储转换后的RGB值。 yuv...
[ 9 , 57 ]. a full resolution of the scc conjecture would also include a precise description of the breakdown of regularity at or before the cauchy horizon. we first present the \(c^0\) formulation of scc (see [ 9 , 17 ]), which can be seen as the strongest inextendibility ...
Vec Enum Value Summary AttachmentTextureType DDGIResult CoordSystem GoodCulling API Overview Interface Summary AddOccludee AddOccluder CleanUp CreateGoodCulling DestroyGoodCulling Disable Enable GetCullingResult IsEnabled RasterizationAndCulling RemoveAllOccludees RemoveAllOccluders Rem...
, paralyzed using pancuronium or vecuronium bromide (0.1–0.2 mg kg−1 h−1, i.v.), and artificially ventilated using a small animal ventilator (Ugo Basile). The EKG, EEG, SpO2, EtCO2, heart rate, and body temperature were monitored continuously to judge the animal’s ...
示例2: setupProjectionUniforms ▲点赞 5▼ voidofxRGBDRenderer::setupProjectionUniforms(ofShader& theShader){ rgbMatrix = (depthToRGBView * rgbProjection); ofVec2f dims = ofVec2f(currentRGBImage->getTextureReference().getWidth(), currentRGBImage->getTextureReference().getHeight()); ...
varying vec2 textureOut;:定义了一个名为textureOut的插值变量,表示输入的经过插值后的纹理坐标信息。与顶点着色器中定义的同名变量是相互匹配的。 uniform sampler2D tex_y;:定义了一个名为tex_y的uniform变量,表示输入的亮度(Y分量)纹理数据。sampler2D表示该变量是一个二维纹理采样器。
对failed to execute 'uniform3fv' on 'webgl2renderingcontext': overload resolution错误的分析与解答 1. uniform3fv函数及其在WebGL中的作用 uniform3fv是WebGL API中的一个函数,用于向着色器程序中的uniform变量传递一个包含三个浮点数的数组(即vec3类型的数据)。这个函数是WebGL 2.0规范的一部分,并允许从...