16、1044F Deseret 猶他大學音標 10450-1047F Shavian 肅伯納字母 10480-104AF Osmanya 10800-1083F Cypriot Syllabary 塞浦路斯音節文字 10900-1091F Phoenician 腓尼基字母 10A00-10A5F Kharoshthi 佉盧字母 12000-123FF Cuneiform 楔形文字 12400-1247F Cuneiform Numbers and Punctuation 楔形文字數字及標點 1D000...
A couple of weeks ago, I ranted about the lack of proper Unicode support in Javascript. Granted, Javascript supports Unicode strings, but if you want to parse such strings to numbers (e.g., the user enters a phone number using Chinese numerals), you will have to handle this yourself. So...
- Aegean Numbers 古希腊数字(10140-1018F) - Ancient Greek Numbers 古典符号(10190-101CF) - Ancient Symbols 斐斯托斯圆盘(101D0-101FF) - Phaistos Disc 利西亚语(10280-1028F) - Lycian 卡里亚文(102A0-102DF) - Carian 科普特闰余数字(102E0-102FF) - Coptic Epact Numbers 古意大利语(10300-1032F)...
unicode編碼區對照表 2150-218F Number Forms 數字形式 2190-21FF Arrows 箭頭符號 2200-22FF Mathematical Operators 數學咩符號 2300-23FF Miscellaneous Technical 混合專門符號 3000-303F CJK Symbols and Punctuation 中日韓符號和標點 3040-309F Hiragana 平假名 30A0-30FF Katakana 片假名 3100-312F Bopomofo ...
Doesn't work if numbers are > max uint64_tCFIndexstr1NumRangeIndex=str1Index;CFIndexstr2NumRangeIndex=str2Index;do{intValue1=(intValue1*10)+(str1Char-'0');str1Char=CFStringGetCharacterFromInlineBuffer(&inlineBuf1,++str1Index);}while((str1Char<='9')&&(str1Char>='0'));do{...
uint64_t intValue1 = 0, intValue2 = 0; // !!! Doesn't work if numbers are > max uint64_t CFIndex str1NumRangeIndex = str1Index; CFIndex str2NumRangeIndex = str2Index; do { intValue1 = (intValue1 * 10) + (str1Char - '0'); ...
uint64_t intValue1 = 0, intValue2 = 0; // !!! Doesn't work if numbers are > max uint64_t CFIndex str1NumRangeIndex = str1Index; CFIndex str2NumRangeIndex = str2Index; do { intValue1 = (intValue1 * 10) + (str1Char - '0'); ...
在衍生類別中覆寫時,若要取得目前的編碼方式,請取得向 Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) 註冊的名稱。 (繼承來源 Encoding) WindowsCodePage 在衍生類別中覆寫時,請取得最能符合目前編碼方式的 Windows 作業系統字碼頁。 (繼承來源 Encoding) 方法...
EncoderFallbackException EncoderReplacementFallback EncoderReplacementFallbackBuffer Encoding EncodingExtensions EncodingInfo EncodingProvider NormalizationForm Rune SpanLineEnumerator SpanRuneEnumerator StringBuilder StringBuilder.AppendInterpolatedStringHandler StringBuilder.ChunkEnumerator ...
A character encoding model must takethis fact into account when determining how to associate numbers with the characters. Actual implementations in computer systems represent integers in specific code units ofparticular size—usually 8-bit (= byte), 16-bit, or 32-bit. In the ...