9312 - 9399Circled numbers 9424 - 9449Circled letters 9472 - 9599Box & Drawing 9600 - 9699Box & Drawing 9700 - 9799Dingbats 9800 - 9899Dingbats 9900 - 9999Places 20300 - 20399Chinese 64273 - 64335Hebrew, misc 64336 - 65151Punctuation
Also included in the block are miscellaneous glyphs that would more likely fit in CJK Compatibility or Enclosed Alphanumerics: a few unit abbreviations, circled numbers from 21 to 50, and circled multiples of 10 from 10 to 80 enclosed in black squares (representing speed limit signs). This ...
🆔 :id-button: Ⓜ️ :circled-m: 🆕 :new-button: 🆖 :ng-button: 🅾️ :o-button-blood-type: 🆗 :ok-button: 🆘 :sos-button: 🆙 :up-button: 🆚 :vs-button: 🈁 :japanese-here-button: 🈂️ :japanese-service-charge-button: 🈷️ :japanese-monthly-amount-button...
Circled Ideograph Advantage V6.0 :ideograph_advantage: 🉐 Circled Ideograph Accept V6.0 :accept: 🉑 Cyclone V6.0 :cyclone: 🌀 Foggy V6.0 :foggy: 🌁 Closed Umbrella V6.0 :closed_umbrella: 🌂 Night With Stars V6.0 :night_with_stars: 🌃 Sunrise Over Mountains V6.0 :sunrise...
compile(r'\w+') # 后两个正则表达式是字节序列类型 re_numbers_bytes = re.compile(rb'\d+') re_words_bytes = re.compile(rb'\w+') # 要搜索的 Unicode 文本,包括 1729 的泰米尔数字 text_str = ("Ramanujan saw \u0be7\u0bed\u0be8\u0bef" " as 1729 = 1³ + 12³ = 9³ + ...
("U+2788 CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT NINE "); PrintProperties('\u2788'); }publicstaticvoidPrintProperties(charc){ Console.Write(" {0,-3}", c ); Console.Write(" {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo.GetNumericValue( c ) ); Console.Write(" {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo.GetDigitValue( c ) ); ...
( "U+2788 CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT NINE " ); PrintProperties( '\u2788' ); } public static void PrintProperties( char c ) { Console.Write( " {0,-3}", c ); Console.Write( " {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo.GetNumericValue( c ) ); Console.Write( " {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo.Get...
The CIRCLED NUMBER FORTY TWO is replaced by a rectangle, but no error is raised. Presumably it is recognized as a valid character, but the console font doesn’t have the glyph to display it. However, when I redirect the output of stdout_check.py to a file, I get Figure 4-4. Figure...
U+3285㊅ - - isnum6.00CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH SIX 4.9 支持字符串和字节序列的双模式API 标准库中的一些函数能接受字符串或字节序列为参数,然后根据类型展 现不同的行为。 re 和 os 模块中就有这样的函数。 4.9.1 正则表达式(re)中的字符串和字节序列 ...
There are 13 different styles of text, and 5 different styles of numbers, seehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematical_Alphanumeric_Symbolsfor a list. I have built a UI around it athttps://einarmagnus.net/pages/ustyle, try it out. ...