@microsoft/fetch-event-source是一个JavaScript库,它允许你通过fetch API以POST请求的方式初始化Server-Sent Events (SSE)连接。这对于需要在请求中包含鉴权token或其他敏感信息的场景特别有用,因为传统的SSE是通过GET请求建立的。 2. 在uniapp项目中安装@microsoft/fetch-event-source库 首先,你需要在uniapp项目中安...
想在uniapp 安卓和iOS 使用fetchEventSource,因为在有个接口在PC端通过fetchEventSource传输流的方式进行获取数据,想在uniapp 中调用相同的接口,直接使用fetchEventSource,不知道安卓和iOS是否存在兼容问题,想问下各位大佬有没有在uniapp 安卓和ios使用过 前端 有用关注2收藏 回复 阅读705 撰写回答 你尚未登录,登录...
{ oldUserMessage: "测试问题", messages: "测试AI回复", id: 1, }, ], eventSource: null, }; }, methods: { async sendMessage() { if (!this.userMessage.trim()) return; try { // 通过try cath捕获终止请求 const resp = await fetch( configService.aiUrl + "/v1/api/completion", { ...
(key, values); } } } }, async fetchFriendListFromServer() { uni.removeStorageSync('member'); try { const { data } = await WebIM.conn.getContacts(); console.log('>>>App.vue 拉取好友列表'); if (data.length) { uni.setStorage({ key: 'member', data: [...data], }); } } ...
代码行中的两个字符串都是零。因此,由于某种原因,当我删除后从fetchResultsController中提取时,它正在提取一个空的customer.It,确实删除了客户,但是崩溃了。当我启动应用程序备份时,客户就会像应该的那样消失了。 cell.textLabel!.text = (cust.valueForKey(&# 浏览4提问于2015-06-18得票数 2 回答已采纳...
添加唤醒应用事件监听者。添加addWakeUpDetailEventListener监听,当从其他应用一键唤起(拉起)本 App 时候,监听回调函数里可保存唤醒数据供后续业务使用。 示例代码 addWakeUpDetailEventListener(callback) 入参说明:callback 为事件回调数据 回调说明:传入监听回调 callback(result) ...
While core-js does include some web standards, fetch is currently not one of them. Alternative polyfill: github fetch Intl is missing because of its large size. Alternative polyfill: Intl.js DOM polyfills. For example element.closest. What is included however are iterable DOM collections at ...
path Yes The path to fetch the contents of. options No Configuration options. options.deep No Fetch deep results (recursive). Defaults to false. options.details No Fetch detailed results (item stats, headers). Defaults to false. options.glob No Glob string for matching filenames. Not set by...
node-fetch "^2.6.7" open "^8.0.2" ora "^5.3.0" read-pkg "^5.1.1" semver "^7.3.4" strip-ansi "^6.0.0" "@vue/compiler-core@3.2.33": version "3.2.33" resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/@vue/compiler-core/-/compiler-core-3.2.33.tgz#e915d59cce85898f5c5c...