Uncaught TypeError: t.$el.prepend is not a function 问题场景还原index.vue 里使用 <picker>来选取日期 在Chrome 44 里测试 显示picker之后关闭它 此时console里就出现了这个错误.发生错误的文件为:webpack:///./node_modules/@dcloudio/uni-h5/dist/index.umd.min.js?1c31...
如果我们将 then 方法附加到从 fetchValue 返回的数字 1 上,就会出现以下错误。 复制 function fetchValue(){return1;}function fn(){fetchValue().then((val)=>{console.log(val);});}fn();//❌ Uncaught TypeError:fetchValue(...).thenisnota function 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ...
十三、Promise.allSettled()方法在部分IOS机型上无效 场景:使用Promise.allSettled并发请求接口,出现报错:Promise.allSettled is not a function <script> exportdefault { methods: { fetchTest() { Promise.allSettled([test1,test2,test3]) }, }; </script> 出现兼容性问题机型: 解决办法✔:使用Promise.all替代...
function () { calcUnReadSpot(); }); uni.WebIM.conn.listen({ onOpened(message) { if ( getCurrentRoute() == 'pages/login/login' || getCurrentRoute() == 'pages/login_token/login_token' ) { me.globalData.onLoginSuccess( uni.getStorageSync('myUsername').toLowerCase() ); me.fetch...
A network request library for uni-app. Contribute to lotjol/uni-app-fetch development by creating an account on GitHub.
VductionTip = false ... Vtotype.checkLogin = function(backpage,backtype){ //定义⼀个登陆检查函数 var SUID = uni.getStorageSync(SUID); //从缓存⾥取值 var SRAND = uni.getStorageSync(SRAND); var SNAME = uni.getStorageSync(SNAME); var SFACE = uni.getStorageSync(SFACE); if(SUID ...
uniapp require引入cos-wx-sdk-v5报错 module 'lib/cos-wx-sdk-v5.js' is not defined? 、、、 在uniapp里面使用cos上传图片,在官网下载了wx-sdk,按照指南引入(const COS = require('../../../lib/cos-wx-sdk-v5')),结果报错module 'lib/cos-wx-sdk-v5.js' is not defined,有知道是因为什么...
async function startTurns() { try { const response = await fetch('/api/get-prize') const result = await response.json() prizeIndex.value = result.prizeIndex turntable.value.rotateTurn() } catch (error) { console.error('获取奖品失败', error) // 处理错误情况 } } 中奖通知: 当前的 end...
I had a code like this But when some changed it for getting some other functionality sometimes it is not working,i dont know why it is not working.This is the modified ,not working code Do i need to a... Eclipse + Android SDK, won't fetch, update, connect, or do anything useful ...
I had a code like this But when some changed it for getting some other functionality sometimes it is not working,i dont know why it is not working.This is the modified ,not working code Do i need to a... Eclipse + Android SDK, won't fetch, update, connect, or do anything useful ...