特别是let和yield,在ES6及之后的版本中非常常用,但在旧的、非strict模式下可能不会被严格检查。 3. 解释为何在strict mode中使用这些保留字会导致“SyntaxError” 在strict mode下,如果你尝试使用这些保留字作为变量名、函数名或在其他需要标识符的地方,JavaScript引擎会抛出SyntaxError,因为strict mode禁止将这些保留字...
( ! yield )Promise.resolve( false ) ... which makes the compiler think that I'm trying to use "yield" as some sort of a reference, which is not allowed in strict mode. In order to change this interpretation of the expression, I have to use Grouping - which has the highest...
The "SyntaxError: Unexpected strict mode reserved word yield" error occurs when the `yield` keyword is used outside of a generator function.
"Unexpected reserved word" 是一个常见的编程错误,通常出现在使用JavaScript或其他类似语言时。这个错误提示表明你在代码中使用了一个保留字(reserved word),但使用了错误的语法或在错误的地方使用了它。 基础概念 保留字是编程语言中预定义的具有特殊意义的词汇,不能用作变量名、函数名或其他标识符。例如,在JavaScrip...
"yield", "enum", "implements", "interface", "let", "package", "private", "protected", "public", "static", "await", "abstract", "boolean", "byte", "char", "double", "final", "float", "goto", "int", "long", "native", "short", "synchronized", "throws", "transient", "...
Hi I am encountering above error when testing this pseudo code. var store = new Map(); store.set('key', value) for (let item of store) { // code here } I had a look at espree config but couldn't find anything that would cause this.
In addition to the already existing reserved keywords, Strict mode reserves a few more keywords like implements, interface, let, package, private, protected, public, as, yield and static. <!DOCTYPE html> With "use strict": Using a reserved word as variable name, is not allowed. Activate...
function getUserConfirmation(name) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const question = { message: `Allow localhost loopback for ${name}?`, name: "didUserConfirm", type: "confirm", }; //const answers = yield inquirer.prompt([question]); return "Y"; }); }...