Strict Mode(严格模式):JavaScript 严格模式是一种使JavaScript代码在更严格的条件下运行的方式。它有助于捕获一些常见的编码错误,并禁止或改变一些不安全或容易让人产生误解的特性。在严格模式下,JavaScript会抛出更多异常,例如使用未声明的变量时会报错。 Reserved Word(保留字):保留字是ECMAScript规范中定义的,具有特...
但是这次页面在android 5.0及以下系统的模拟器上完全无法显示,调试显示dom未渲染,js报错"Unexpected strict mode reserved word" 本来这种问题很常见嘛,严格模式下js保留字冲突,最常见的就是命名时采用了保留字,但这次不正常啊,我开了eslint写的代码,哪来的保留字冲突呢? 然后是极为恶心的查压缩代码手动分段调试,最...
背景:Vue项目,由webpack和babel框架构建,iphone5s的ios8.2系统和android 5.0及以下系统,打开页面空白,调试显示dom未渲染,vendor.js报错"Unexpected strict mode reserved word"。 原因:vendor.js报错定位到“let”关键字上,因为let在es5中并不是关键字,无法识别,但是在严格模式下视为保留字,而低版本的webview明显将l...
Unexpected strict mode reserved word when I am trying to run this code: "use strict"; var fs = require('fs'), spawn = require('child_process').spawn, filename = process.argv[2]; if(!filename){ throw Error('A File to watch must be specified!'); },function(...
as a function name, and our build intermittently fails at runtime in this browser with "Unexpected strict mode reserved word". The latest case was in this line of output: ...function let(e,R,Z,V){... Here's how we're configuring the build (we use the Java API directly). I'm...
Hello , When I'm running my typescript file using node file.ts it is showing unexpected error. Unexpected token : in one file when I'm using let burger: string = "McD"; and in other file it is showing Unexpected strict mode reserved word...
But before we get into the solutions, let’s first understand whyunexpected reserved word awaitoccur in JavaScript. If you understand this error thoroughly, it is easy for you to fix thesyntaxerror unexpected strict mode reserved word ‘await’error message. ...
<!DOCTYPE html> With "use strict": No reserved word used Activate debugging in your browser (F12) to see the avengerEnemy. "use strict"; var avengerEnemy = 'Thanos'; // avengerEnemy is not a reserved word in strict mode. console.log(avengerEnemy); 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...
Hi I am encountering above error when testing this pseudo code. var store = new Map(); store.set('key', value) for (let item of store) { // code here } I had a look at espree config but couldn't find anything that would cause this.