A polynucleotide phosphorylase with a molecular weight of 100,000 has been isolated from Escherichia coli Q13 mutant and partially purified. This mutant is particularly rich in this low molecular species which can, however, also be found in small proportion in wild strains of E. coli B and K12...
doi:10.1002/bscb.19740830307Maquestiau Avan Haverbeke YDe Meyer CBibliogr
In a school the creation of a shift team (« une équipe-relais ») has good effects. Its establishment is born of an official text printed in 1985. Several shapes are found , but this team brings together different workers of the sane school. Its runnig shah be in agreement with ...
Giving a value for the elementary time intervalt0is the main purpose of this paper. For this, an analysis of the formula for the energy of a free particle is given, formula which has been found in our first paper on that subject. The value 4.4 × 10−24 s fort0is in ...
La cycloaddition du diphényl-1,3 aza-2 allyllithium au tolane, au diphénylbutadiyne et au diphényl-1,4 butényne E conduit quantitativement au tétraphényl-2,3,4,5 pyrrole, à la phényléthynyl-3 triphényl-2,4,5 pyrroline-3 et à la phényléthynyl-3 triphényl-2,4,5 pyrrolidine ...
Yves-C. Gagnon est professeur à l‘École nationale d'administration publique de Montréal, Claude Provencher est chef de service Programmes administratifs au Conseil du Trésor du Gouvernement du Québec. Les auteurs remercient les évaluateurs anonymes pour leur précicuse contribution à cette ...
The release velocity of the water soluble active ingredients can be modulated by a modification of some formulation parameters: it can be decreased by an increase of the lipophilic surfactant concentration, it can also be increased by a hydrophilic surfactant concentration, by osmotic pressure and by...