The mechanism of activated nucleophilic substitution in the aromatic series (S. N. A.*) can be integrated in the general scheme of S. N. synchronous mechanisms. The relative order of mobilities of the halogens in S. N. A. * type reactions, wich varies with the nucleophilic activity of ...
In this way, the Rennes manuscript has found its place in the medieval artistic production and in a larger debate; the French Légende Dorée has been re-evaluated in the medieval societydoi:10.4049/jimmunol.1102515Hume, AGrimes, SBoyce, JBibliogr...
TiVipedia, la Télé Augmentée更新内容 ★ LA PLUS COMPLÈTE DES APPLICATIONS TV ! ★ La grille TV, le replay, la recherche par thème, les info live, c'est 15 jours de télé dans votre poche ! Et ce n'est pas tout...- Toute la télé de rattrapage, pour les...
En concreto, se constata que la investigación se ha realizado predominantemente desde acercamientos cognitivos (confirmación de expectativas, equidad, atribución causal) y, en menor medida, en afectivos. Se señalan, asimismo, las principales limitaciones relacionadas con el escaso valor ...
One of its most common risk factors is xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), an autosomal recessive disease characterized by defective cellular DNA repair, and hypersensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. Case report We report a case of XP in a 7-year-old black African boy, revealed by squamous cell ...
(1958), Sur la séparation des terres rares à l'aide de l'acide éthylènediamine-tétraacétique. V. Les diagrammes de solubilité NH4[La-édta] NH4[Sm-édta] H2O et K[La-édta] K[Sm-édta] H2Oà 0°. HCA, 41: 188–195. doi: 10.1002/hlca.660410123 Author Information Laboratoire...
E. In filtering incompatible values in not yet instantiated domains when a new instantiation is tested. However, these methods are defined only for binary constraints. We extend them in defining a generalized notion of n-ary consistency : relationnal-(I,J)-consistency. Our experimentations show ...
This result agrees with the proposal that preferential equatorial attack of a nucleophile is caused by conformational factors related to a steroid non-steroid conformation equilibrium in thecis-isomers.[Journal Translation]C. AgamiT. RizkR. DurandP. Genestecanadian journal of chemistry...
In a school the creation of a shift team (« une équipe-relais ») has good effects. Its establishment is born of an official text printed in 1985. Several shapes are found , but this team brings together different workers of the sane school. Its runnig shah be in agreement with ...
The latest part of this paper deals with the construction ofP–Ylateral reaction curves and the variation of the horizontal subgrade modulus with the number of cycles.Key words: pile, centrifuge, sand, cyclic loading, density, roughness.Ali Bouafiacanadian geotechnical journal...