Starting in 2010, UNDP introduced a number of more nuanced indices including inequality adjusted HDI, multidimensional poverty indexthat examines a wider range of non-income deprivations such as child mortality, and living standards such as access to electricity or water, gender adjusted HDI etc. to...
Morebroadly,progressisunevenacrossSIDS,however.TheE-GovernmentDevelopmentIndexin the2022UnitedNationse-governmentsurveymeasuresthedevelopmentofdigitalgovernment withinregionsaroundtheworld.Theindexhighlightsgenerallylowlevelsofdigitaltransformation amonggovernmentsinSIDS,withconsiderabledisparityinscores.ItisnotfeasibleformanySI...
免费在线预览全文 November 2023 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ___ This paper was prepared by Piyush Verma, Senior Governance Expert – Energy, under the guidance and supervision of Riad Meddeb, Director of the Sustainable Energy Hub and Sarah Lister, Head of Governance, with extensive support from the team ...
Gender inequalityUnited Nations Development ProgramIndicesEuropeThis study critically investigates the suitability of United Nations' composite indices and other related measures—among which the Gender Inequality Index just released in 2010—to capture gender inequalities in the context of "highly developed"...
Box 1.3: The Global Knowledge Index The Global Knowledge Index (GKI) is a roadmap for the sustainable development of societies. It helps countries for- mulate forward-thinking strategies to support knowledge and promote it as a key component of building a stronger knowledge economy, while also ...
Gender equality, in particular, has directly impacted the television and film industries, especially after the#MeToo and Time's Up movementsthat saw scores of individuals come forward to shed light on pay disparity and workplace misconduct. ...
Index and its key components— 2 Income inequality within countries 4 progress not linear, and still far to go 2 3 The Multidimensional Poverty Index 9 Inequalities in human development—a grave challenge to progress 4 Gender inequality—close the gaps to empower half the world’s people 5 ...
2000. “Measuring Socio-Economic Gender Equality: toward an Alternative for UNDP's GDI.” Feminist Economics 6: 41–75.Dijkstra, A. G., & Hanmer, L. (2000). Measuring socio-economic gender inequality: Toward an alternative to the UNDP gender-related development index. Feminist Economics, 6 ...
A major problem is that it conflates relative gender equality with absolute levels of human development and thus gives no information on comparative gender inequality among countries. Using the same indicators as the GDI, the paper constructs a Relative Status of Women (RSW) index, which ...
(2001): "Measuring Socio-Economic Gender In- equality: Toward an Alternative to the UNDP Gender-Related Development Index", Feminist Economics, 6, pp. 41-75.Dijkstra, A.G., Hanmer, L.C., 2000. Measuring socio-economic gender inequality: toward an alternative to the UNDP Gender-related ...