To examine the role of inequality in academic achievement, we analyse a cross-national dataset including data from three cycles from 2012 to 2018 from the PISA, an international assessment of 15-year-old students’ math, reading, and science performance.
A Critical Assessment of the UNDP's Gender Inequality Index, Feminist Economics, 19(2); 1-32 (March).Permanyer I. A critical assessment of the UNDP's gender inequality index. Feminist Economics 2013; 19: 1-32.Permanyer, I. ( 2013 ) ‘ A Critical Assessment of the UNDP's Gender ...
A similar pattern of results was yielded in the case of the two other proxies of countries’ modernization levels. World Modernization Index was positively and Gender Inequality negatively related to the STLS-45 (β = 0.181,p < 0.001, pseudor2= 0.018, β = -0.138,p < ...
A critical note on UNDP’s gender inequality indices. Tisdell C. Journal of Contemporary Asia . 2001Tisdell, C., Roy, K., and Ghose, A. (2001) "A Critical Note on UNDP's Gender Inequality Indices", Journal of Contemporary Asia, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 385-399....
A major problem is that it conflates relative gender equality with absolute levels of human development and thus gives no information on comparative gender inequality among countries. Using the same indicators as the GDI, the paper constructs a Relative Status of Women (RSW) index, which ...
This adverse trend affecting the sex ratio at birth is not picked up by tools such as the Gender Inequality Index, which continues to show favourable changes in social norms towards women in many son-preference countries (UNDP, 2015). Paradoxically, the influence of the ancient tradition of ...
The 2018 Gender Inequality Index (GII) for Afghanistan was 0.575, indicating substantial inequalities between women and men, and Afghanistan ranked 143 of 162 countries globally (UNDP 2019). 1.1. Gender roles, identity and equality in Afghanistan Throughout the complex history of Afghanistan, women'...
2000. “Measuring Socio-Economic Gender Equality: toward an Alternative for UNDP's GDI.” Feminist Economics 6: 41–75.Dijkstra AG, Hanmer LC. Measuring socio-economic gender inequality: toward an alternative to the UNDP gender-related development index. Fem Econ. 2000; 6 (2):41–75. doi:...
Gender inequality index. UNDP. Google Scholar Verloo, M. (2006). Multiple inequalities, intersectionality and the European Union. European Journal of Women’s Studies, 13(3), 211–228. Article Google Scholar World Bank. (2014). Voice and agency: Empowering women and girls for shared ...
See the United National Development Programme webpage for more details. ( [Accessed: September 1, 2023]. See the ESS website for more details about the weighting. (https://www.europeansocialsurvey...