The following actions can be undone in GitKraken Desktop: Checkout Commit Discard Delete branch Remove remote Reset branch to a commit You can also redo actions if you undo them by mistake. MacWindows/Linux Undo⌘ZCtrlZ Redo⌘Y ⌘ShiftZCtrlY ...
Instead we force it into a read-only state, and let the user decide how to proceed. So, there is now little point in keeping my original half-baked plans littering the transaction code. Remove all that stuff. Signed-off-by: Ernesto A. Fernández <>...
I think it's just as important to remove the default undo if it's behaviour can't be changed. Probably the main reason I didn't spot this was because I made the reasonable assumption that Ctrl+Z would do what I would normally expect. 👍 2 Contributor billygriffin commented Sep 24, ...
(); Stack<string> todo = new Stack<string>(); le.Remove(mv); levels.Push(1);{ string < 浏览0提问于2012-11-18得票数 1 回答已采纳 1回答 fossil v1.24在linux上失败,没有这样的文件 如果我将fossil v1.23下载到我的linux服务器上,一切都会正常进行。(1).ziproot@x:/home/james/test# mv ...
cmdidRemoveFilter cmdidRename cmdidReplace cmdidReplaceInFiles cmdidRestart cmdidResume cmdidRightOuterJoin cmdidRunQuery cmdidRunToCallstCursor cmdidRunToCursor cmdidSave cmdidSaveAs cmdidSaveProjectItem cmdidSaveProjectItemAs cmdidSaveSelection cmdidSaveSolution cmdidSaveSolu...
Undo Last Commit in Git (Short Version) While working with Git we face various situations where we deliberately want to undo the last commit because we would like to recommit it extensively or even remove it completely together due to mistakes we made in the past. Just think how many more...
linuxsvnundoadd 在Linux开发中,我们经常会使用版本控制软件来管理代码的版本,其中Subversion(SVN)是一种常见的版本控制系统。在使用SVN管理项目代码时,我们经常会遇到需要撤销添加文件的情况。 在SVN中,添加文件是一个常见的操作,通常我们会使用`svnadd`命令将新文件添加到版本控制中。但有时候,我们可能会因为误操作或...
Before you proceed to reinstall Windows to undo system restore in Windows 11, make sure to create a backup of your important data externally. You can choose any storage medium for this purpose. Reinstalling will remove all your data from the system drive. Select a media through which you ca...
TRX_UNDO_INSERT_REC类型的Undo回滚在row_undo_ins中进行,insert的逆向操作当然就是delete,根据从Undo Record中解析出来的主键,用row_undo_search_clust_to_pcur定位到对应的ROW, 分别调用row_undo_ins_remove_sec_rec和row_undo_ins_remove_clust_rec在二级索引和主索引上将当前行删除。 update类型的undo包括TRX_...
If you type several lines in insert mode, then perform an undo immediately, those lines will be deleted. If you type a line, switch to command mode, then switch back to insert mode and type some more text, you’ll create two changes. Undo will remove each one separately. You can also...