Undo log属于逻辑日志,记录一个变化过程(例如执行一个delete,undolog会记录一个insert,撤销操作时,会执行insert操作); 1. 2. 3. 4. 2、Redo Log Redo:意为重做,以恢复操作为目的,在数据发生意外时重现操作; Redo Log:指事务中修改的任何数据,将最新的数据备份存储的位置(Redo Log),被称为重做日志; Redo L...
常见的svn客户端命令svnadd-添加到版本控制svncommit - 提交修改到服务端(创建一个新的版本号)svnupdate - 更新工作副本svndelete -从版本库中删除文件或目录svnadd:svnadd文件(or文件夹) //直接增加文件或者文件夹以及文件夹所有文件svnadd文件夹 --non-recu ...
This should reinforce the importance of maintaining copies of files that are important to you. Whether they be data files or configuration parameters, keeping track of what your system looks like when it is in good working order will assist you in repairing things when something g...
If the calendar owner deletes this direct share, the calendar goes missing again, despite the user being part of the group. Expected behavior There should be an unshared calendar section in the settings where all the unshared calendars are listed and can be re-followed. ...
1 Innodb的锁 在innodb中,有4种类型的锁:IX、X、IS及S锁,其说明如下: 类型 说明 场景 S 共享锁 针对于RS隔离级别的查询或者添加Lock in share mode的SELECT查询而产生的锁 X 排它锁 针对于update、delete、insert操作而产生的锁 IS 意向共享锁 表级别的锁,在添... ...
At first, you need to do a hard reset as it will delete any new files that have been added to the index and undo any changes made to the file by the last commit. Run the command to perform a hard reset git@uncommit /c/repo/reset (main-branch) $ git reset --hard ...
binlog记录了对数据库执行更改的所有操作(不包括查询),还包括了执行数据库更改操作的时间和执行时间等信息。binlog主要有两个作用: 恢复(recovery)。可以通过binlog进行point-in-time的恢复。 复制(replication)。可以用于搭建MySQL主从集群。 默认binlog是没有开启的,可以通过show variables like 'log...
Ubuntu18.04安装Wireshark抓包工具 过LD_LIBRARY_PATH变量 通过unset重新设置LD_LIBRARY_PATH变量后就可以了 参考资料: 安装过程参考:https://www.cnblogs.com/EasonJim/p/7123058.html使用过程参考:https://www.cnblogs.com/0616--ataozhijia/p/3670898.html ...
If it’s a domain-applied policy, as Athos suggested, just move your machine to a different container, or delete that GPO from current container. Regards, Ethan Hua Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have ...