• 在commit之前,redo log buffer中已经产生了上面两项的redo • 根据lgwr将redo从redo log buffer写到磁盘的机制,比如工作时间,有可能将部分redo数据写入磁盘 • 已经获得了所需全部锁 • 在commit当时,为事务生成一个SCN • lgwr将剩余的redo写入磁盘,并且把SCN标记到current redo log file里。 • 到...
Vim is a versatile text editor with advanced options for developers and is known for its shorthand keys and commands. You can quickly perform operations like undo or redo using a single command. The undo operation is carried out to revert to the specific change that occurred previously. Similarl...
也就是说,从redo log buffer写日志到磁盘的redo log file中,过程如下: 在InnoDB引擎中,redo log都是以512字节进行存储的(和磁盘扇区的大小一样,因此redo log写入可以保证原子性,不需要double write),也就是重做日志缓存和文件都是以块的方式进行保存的,称为redo log block,每个block占512字节。 重做日志除了日志...
Vi or Vim is pre-installed by default on macOS and almost all Linux distributions. In this article, we will show you how to undo and redo changes in Vim / Vi.
软件包管理:历史中的undo和redo Linux云计算&红帽轻松学#Linux云计算 #红帽认证 #零基础学Linux #云计算 #抖音知识年终大赏 - Linux杨哥天云于20250108发布在抖音,已经收获了18.1万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
The following actions can be undone in GitKraken Desktop: Checkout Commit Discard Delete branch Remove remote Reset branch to a commit You can also redo actions if you undo them by mistake. MacWindows/Linux Undo ⌘Z CtrlZ Redo ⌘Y ⌘ShiftZ CtrlY CtrlShiftZHave...
6. Example about using undo branches in Vim 7. How to undo and redo in Vim 3? 8. Plugins 9. The Bottom Line If you do any kind of text editing on the Linux command line including editing configuration files, you will probably meet up with Vi or Vim. Considering, Vim is the modern...
达到redo log 要求的基本解决思想首先我们知道数据量小是 Logical Logging 的优点,而幂等及基于 Page 是 Physical Logging 的优点。因此 InnoDB 采用了一种称为 Physiological Logging 的方式,兼得二者优势。 所谓Physiological Logging,就是以Page为单位,但在Page内以逻辑的方式记录,如下所示: MLOG_REC_UPDATE_IN_PLA...
:redo For instance, if you wanted to again delete that second line, you could type this command to re-do that change. But again, since learning about it, the [Ctrl][r] keystroke is a much faster way to undo a change in vim. linux-unix change changes editor re-do redo un-do ...