git revertgit push origin When thegit revertcommand is issued without any other parameters, it undoes the changes that were part of the previous commit and creates a new commit to denote the change. When you push back to the server, anyone who looks at your latest commit will not see the...
git rebase -i dd61ab32^(dd61ab32 是任意的一次commit) 然后会弹出用vi编辑器打开的修改里表,用dd删除不应出现的更改行,然后:wq退出完成更改 git push mathnet -f 3. 修正打字 Note:-f 和 前面命令里面的+号 是a forced non-fastforward push的意思。
1. git undo commit 的含义及如何使用 虽然Git没有直接名为 git undo commit 的命令,但我们可以根据需求使用不同的命令来达到撤销提交的效果。 如果提交还未被推送(push)到远程仓库: 你可以使用 git reset 命令来撤销最近的提交。例如,要撤销最近的提交,可以使用: bash git reset --soft HEAD~1 # 仅撤销co...
A clean commit log is considered advantageous. The changes have been committed to the remote repository or not. If someone has pushed the changes already using git push, there are fewer options available. The most common methods of using git to remove the last commit are git revert or some ...
git push origin HEAD --force However, if others may have pulled it, then you would be better off starting a new branch. Because when they pull, it will just merge it into their work, and you will get it pushed back up again.
Add a comment 2 Answers Sorted by: 2 To undo a push to the remote repository: git push -f origin HEAD^:master this command will rewind the remote repository back on one commit. To undo a pull, you can do this: git reset --hard {hash of the last commit before pull} Having...
commit1的id,reset 回滚之后可以看到,commit2和commit3的操作都已经没有了,但是现在只是本地仓的回滚了,如果需要把远程git仓的也回滚,只需要push推送上去就行。 回滚之后要是再想...,可以看到commit提交记录,当前只有一个commit1#用git reflog命令,可以看到,我们回滚操作的上一个commitid是7b40efa,那我们只需要回...
Undo Last Git Commit in GitKraken When you make a mistake in GitKraken, the solution is just one-click away. If you make a mistake with your last commit and wish to undo the last Git commit before you push, you can simply click the magicalUndobutton at the toolbar at the top of the...
As a consequence, the “–mixed” is a “mix” between the soft and the hard reset, hence its name. $ git status On branch master Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit. (use "git push" to publish your local commits) ...
基于Op的实现,Op就是对于一个操作的原子化记录,举个例子如果将图形A向右移动3px,那么这个Op就可以是type: "MOVE", offset: [3, 0],那么如果想要做回退操作依然很简单,只需要将其反向操作即type: "MOVE", offset: [-3, 0]就可以了,这种方式的优点是粒度更细,存储压力小,缺点是需要复杂的设计以及计算。