Story Explanation: This animation follows the events of the previous video, where Asgore finally absorbs all seven human souls and destroys everything. However, for some unknown reason, Frisk regains consciousness within their soul and manages to reset everything—but not entirely. Instead of fully...
Welcome to the Fanmade SOUL Colors/SOULs page, the home of the fanmade SOULs of Undertale. To avoid a lack of organization to take over the page, the page has been protected from editing. For custom SOULs to be added to this page, contact an Administrato
installing a policy that all humans that fall into the Underground must be killed and their SOULs collected, in order to destroy the barrier with the power of seven human SOULs, and soon afterwards, eradicate humanity with this power, which presumes that the Kingdom of Monsters would be resum...
Photoshop Flowey is Flowey’s boss battle form, appearing at the end of the game to kill Asgore, claim the human SOULS, and send your save file into purgatory before a head-to-head face-off. In a game of famous boss battles, this is right up there with the dual against Sans, it’s...
After all, humans have proven their SOULs don't need these things to exist. - Book 6 (from the left) in Snowdin Library ↑ Humans are unbelievably strong. It would take the SOUL of nearly every monster... just to equal the power of a single human SOUL. - Ancient glyphs in Waterfall...
course. And truthfully, it could've been any flower that she could've tried raising into a talking one, but something felt right about this one. At least, it used to. She's spent much time cultivating it, yet there have been no results. It's just another flower, same as all the ...
Everyone's favourite evil flower will return, and claim the other human souls to take you on. This fight is very different to the others. You don't really have actions or a small box to move around. Attacks will fill up the space and you need to try and dodge them as best you ca...
This will likely mean you must battle Flowey as he has stolen the other human souls to gain power. From here you can escape the Underground but the monsters will still remain trapped. The last thing that will happen is Sans will give you a phone call and depending on who you have ...
* Kill every human falling down, and Get their souls, to Break the barrior, to Take our revenge. * 直到如今,我们的国王已经收集到六颗人类灵魂了。 * Until now, he has collected 6 human souls. * 按理说,只要他再收集一颗,就可以让我们重归自由。
This is in contrast to monster SOULs, which arescattered amongst many millions of particles and only rarely can “staytogether” after death. If a monster killed a human, inhabited or otherwiseintegrated their brain and 'SOUL’, their magic power would reach a terrifyingapex and the restrictions...