【Undertale音乐搬运】Finale/终曲(Six human Souls Theme)Remix 26.7万 502 03:02 App 【Undertale·口琴】Finale x his theme(终曲-六魂小花曲)(附谱~)【传说之下】 2.0万 8 04:00 App 【Undertale音乐】Undertale OST - "Finale" Remix V3 [By Cragend0] 1.2万 4 03:01 App Glitchtale Remix -...
3110 3 2:28 App 【Undertale音乐搬运】Finale/终曲(Six human Souls Theme)Remix浏览方式(推荐使用) 哔哩哔哩 你感兴趣的视频都在B站 打开信息网络传播视听节目许可证:0910417 网络文化经营许可证 沪网文【2019】3804-274号 广播电视节目制作经营许可证:(沪)字第01248号 增值电信业务经营许可证 沪B2-20100043...
We also know (from the True Pacifist Ending) that six human SOULs and almost all monster SOULs are enough to break the barrier as well, that is, 6h+(m-1)=b. What's the minus 1 for? Well, Napstablook's SOUL wasn't used to break the barrier, so we have to account for that. ...
中野梓,秋山澪,田井中律,琴吹紬-Six Human Souls六魂 Scrapped Ryo废稿山田凉(拥有喜多性格)-W.D.Gaster加斯特博士 Musicaler乐器店店长-Grillby考尔比 愤怒人偶位为粉丝二号的另一种状态。 训练人偶位不存在。 区域规划 Abandoned Schoolzone废弃校区-Ruins遗迹 Changed Shimokitazawa劫后下北泽-Snowdin雪町 Starry...
A death keeps your battle progress saved, so don't fret too much about the difficulty of the fight. After calling the six SOULs to your aid, Flowey's defense will drop to nothing, making your attacks actually worth the effort. Fight and fight and fight until he's been stopped. ...
2 The task was not quick. The Master had to kidnap many women, but kidnapping too many within a short span of time would draw unwanted suspicion from the world outside the forest. They would become MANOS's devotees, but not without conversion by force. The process was slow. One by one...
but they are limited solely to the human's (whether it be Frisk or Chara) more standard capabilities if facing a variation of literally any other character. (Also, they haven't been brought out of the Infinite Dust imaginary timeline yet in canon, leaving them lacking in feats against chara...
The Cyan Soul is a soul that you encounter when you fight Photoshop Flowey as one of the six souls. The Soul's associated items are the Faded Ribbon and the Toy Knife, found in the Ruins. When fighting Photoshop Flowey, the screen will fill with moving, rotating knives that you must ...
Thought!Sans(Tratsneroyve); The Thought is essentially Sans but powered up by seven human souls. Because of this, one could assume that he is now somewhere around Asriel Dreemurr's god form level. Asriel Dreemurr God Form(Undertale); Asriel's god form has been shown to completely manipulate...
One of the core principles when writing VOXISTALE is to respect the story and lore of UNDERTALE as told by Toby Fox as accurately as possible, while expanding upon the established pieces, rather than outright changing the lore (aside from Frisk's gender, this was a decision made to transiti...