计算机图形学:四元数理论(Quaternions) 计算机图形学 四元数理论(Quaternions) 四元数,即 Quaternions,早在 200 年前就被 William Rowan Hamilton 发明出来了,但是将其运用到图形学中却还是近来的事情,而这个富有远见的搬运工名为 Shoemake,他在 1985 年左右完成了这项革命性的工作。四元数在图形学里用来表示...
Understanding Quaternions In this article I will attempt to explain the concept of Quaternions in an easy to understand way. I will explain how you might visualize a Quaternion as well as explain the different operations that can be applied to quaternions. I will also compare applications of ma...