47、d overgeneralizes the grammatical rule of forming past regular verbs with “ ed” and extends it to all irregular verbs and creates verbs like “ goed, comed”, which are not the result of imitation of the adult 's language. Child 's generalization of rules indicates that he creates ...
Ir is an irregular verb in Spanish, but the idea is the same. Verbs endings (also known as verb conjugations) change in a sentence based on the subject of that sentenceEnglish is similar for some verbs. For example, with the verb “to run”, you’d say “I run”, and “she runs...
First,inlanguageacquisition,childoftencreateshisownlinguisticrules.Thebestexampleis thatchildovergeneralizesthegrammaticalruleofforming pastregularverbswith “ed”and extendsittoallirregularverbsandcreatesverbslike“goed,comed”,whicharenottheresultofimitationoftheadult’slanguage.Child’sgeneralizationofrules...