Irregular German verbs -- unregelmige deutsche Verben Die Liste der unregelmigen Verben des Deutschen enthlt neben den alphabetisch geordneten Infinitivformen die Formen des Prteritums und des Perfektpartizips. Die Spalte des Infinitivs enthlt auch evtl. abweichende Konjugationen sowie Befehlsfor...
German Verbs - Regular and Irregular Verbs and Tenses Verbs in German are more diverse than in English; in this page we will learn their categories, and the most used tenses in German, note that this page is including only the important information you should know about in German verbs, and...
German Irregular & Separable verbs (.dsl) Deutsche unregelmäßige KB) (Found in the Freemdict Cloud, not created by me)
German unit 1 verbs 22個詞語 nataliehelfrich37 預覽 GER - conjugations 42個詞語 jenniferbauer2 預覽 German Ch. 2 Vocab 168個詞語 paigeg58 預覽 Verben - Perfekt + Präteritum 75個詞語 Caitlyn_Hughes901 預覽 Müssen 12個詞語 delacotera 預覽 Noumenon Buch 2 7個詞語 sophia_e_rome 預覽 German...
德语学习笔记A1 - Lesson 15 | Unregelmäßige Verben | Irregular Verbs in German • Verbkonjugation im Präsens = verb conjugation in present tense 不规则动词词干随du和er/sie/es变化 词尾取决于人称和单复数 Vokalwechsel(change in vowel)...
Common Verbs 11: Section 1: High-frequency language: German: GCSE (9:1) 老師19個詞語 MrsNL5 預覽 Literarische Epochen 老師42個詞語 L_B561 預覽 Dekonstruktivismus am Beispiel Zaha Hadid 11個詞語 themoazima 預覽 gk9.Kapitel4.Bilder.PG 老師44個詞語 CORiazAllemand 預覽 Typen von adverbials...
A collection of German Dictionaries of Irregular & Separable verbs Format: .dsl (for GoldenDict): Also check the…
- Want to drill on irregular verbs only? Select that. - Want to drill only on first person singular verb forms (ich)? Select that. - Want to drill on Präsens and Präteritum tenses only, first person plural only? Select those settings and all drills will be verbs in Präsens and...
Learn German Irregular verbs. Listen verbs, and check your favourites You have many ways for irregular verb learning: ---Spelling--- Write your verbs in Infinitiv, Präsens, Präteritum, Partizip II conjugations. ---Translate--
With all the irregular German verbs, this tool is very helpful forbeginners and low-intermediate learnerswho haven’t fully grasped the verbal system yet. They also have several in-depth articles about word order, which is often under taught in foreign language classes. And there areextensive vo...