So where do you place in the American economic class system You can look at income, education, marital status, location, family history, gut instinct and a host of other factors to find out where you fall. But the bottom line is this: Finding the answer is more complex than just looking...
This is due to the growth of freight activities, economic development, urbanization, and the increasing average travel distance of each freight unit, just-in-time manufacturing, and fast delivery services (McKinnon 2008; EIA 2021). Traditionally, the focus on planning road freight transport ...
China, through wider opening up, has embraced others with an ultra-large consumer market and consistent resolve to boost common development for all, thusinjecting confidence and certainty into the global economy.
Article Open access 10 October 2022 Introduction Construction land is the basic carrier of human activities, and both urban and rural development lead to the expansion of construction land. However, unlike the highly complex economic and social activities involved in urban development, rural development...
Socio-economic Factors: Understanding the socio-economic factors influencing agricultural practices and yield variability within each agro-ecological zone is critical for developing targeted strategies for sustainable agricultural development. Researchers can delve into factors such as access to resources, techno...
Class Dynamics of Agrarian Change Development processes are never neutral. They impact various groups and classes of people differently. A high food price may benefit some rich peasants who produce and sell food surplus, but it may disadvantage landless rural laborers. A... H Bernstein 被引量: ...
em style=mso-bidi-font-style: normal;This paper conceptualises strong style=mso-bidi-font-weight: normal;'development';/strong/em in doing this, the paper considers both economic and political development, and looks into the complex question: Must economic development precede political development ...
World e-Inclusion brings technology to rural villages to spur micro-enterprise and economic development, including distance learning, telemedicine, micro banking, communications, and access to world markets. But although we're a technology company,HP's World e-Inclusion is more about people than it...
of agricultural machinery, farms are more centralized and large-scale development.The larger the farm, however, the fewer people to cultivate.This means a reduced population supporting urban and rural development.Despite its membership in the Dunes region, agriculture remains its crucial economic driver...
Data from Opportunity Insights, an economic-research team at Harvard University, shows that after lockdowns began in March pupils from low-income neighbourhoods fell permanently behind on online maths coursework, while those from richer areas quicklyrebounded. Then there is the problem of access to...