It is very meaningful to locate the level of development of city economy Scientifically for formulating the strategy planning of city development and related policies.Fuzzy clustering analysis was applied to the classification of economic development level of the city in this paper,and the appropriate ...
This paper builds upon earlier research reported in "The Agglomeration Process in Urban Growth," by Joel Bergsman, Peter Greenston and Robert Healy (Urban Studies, October 1972) and is part of a continuing inquiry into the economic development of cities....
1、国民经济行业分类与代码(Classificationandcodesofnationaleconomicsectors)Classificationandcodesofnationaleconomicsectors(statisticsusedinscienceandTechnology)CodeClassnameExplain01agriculture,forestry,animalhusbandryandfishery01010agriculturalplanting,includinggrainandoilcropplanting,beans,cottonandflaxtextilera 2、wmaterials...
DevelopmentandClassificationSourcesoffinance/Equitymarkets Legalsystem/Codelaw/Commonlaw Taxation Politicalandeconomicties InflationEducationallevelFairpresentationLegalcompliance Culture 4 Choi/Meek,6/e Individualism个人主义/Collectivism集体主义 Powerdistance权距 Uncertaintyavoidance风险...
Economic Theory of Zoning According to Nobel Prize-winning economist Ronald Coase’sTheorem, in the absence oftransaction costs, questions and disputes over land use and development could be solved optimally without government regulation. Under the assumptions of Coase’s Theorem, the usage of a give...
However, according to the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE Rev. 2), ‘Construction’ includes excavation, construction, refurbishment, renovation, and demolition activities [4]. Therefore, this study adopts the term ‘construction waste (CW)’ to ...
Over many years, and in most parts of the world, socio-economic classification schemes have been deployed in order to segment populations into discrete groups that define the status of the individuals within them. These are mostly set up on a national basis. However, global advertisers today are...
aThe economic functions that the finance sector performs can be described in a number of ways. One classification is provided in Chart 2.1, which illustrates the sector’s main activities and beneficiaries. 财务区段执行的经济作用在一定数量的方式可以被描述。 一个分类在图2.1提供,说明区段的主要活动...
Classification of the European Union member states according to the relative level of sustainable development studies dimensions: social, economic and environmental and the classification of the EU countries according to the relative level of sustainable development. St... B Anna - 《Quality & Quantity...
1、JEL Classification CodesThe JEL Classification System is a subject classification system for economics derived from the Journal of Economic Literature of the American Economic Association. (See also Wikipedia.)· A: General Economics and Teachingo A1: General Econom 2、ics§ A10: General§ A11:...