Understanding when, in a PowerShell script, the call of a method produces output upon return from the call and when it doesn’t The unexpected client impersonation scenario that seemed to be only justified by the effects of black magi...
To help you verify the status of speculative execution side-channel mitigations, we published a PowerShell script (SpeculationControl) that can run on your devices. This article explains how to run the SpeculationControl script and what the output means. Security advisoriesADV180002,ADV1800...
The main purpose of a module is to allow the modularization (ie, reuse and abstraction) of Windows PowerShell code. For example, the most basic way of creating a module is to simply save a Windows PowerShell script as a .psm1 file. Doing so allows you to control (ie, make pu...
Windows PowerShell provides access to the .NET Framework composite formatting feature. Composite formatting takes a list of objects and a composite formatting string as input. These consist of indexed place holders that are called format items. The output is a string that consists of the original ...
Windows PowerShell Index -contains operator vs .contains() method -ea operator -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue parameter is not being respected & $error variable not updated -ExpandProperty & Export CSV !!! powershell script to add a word in the beginning of the text file - URGENT !!! 'A posi...
Type Conversion in PowerShell is, without question, one of the most useful ingredients in its "Magic Sauce" of administrator effectiveness. When you run a command with a specific parameter type (I.e.: a DateTime or a TimeSpan), things seem to "just work". ...
#fullbackupjob.ps1#This script creates a SQL Server Agent job which will run a PowerShell script once a day to backup user databases.[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO') |out-null$s=new-object('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server')'HOME\MyInstance...
The code that is included in a health add-in can be a PowerShell script or managed code.Creating a Health Add-In shows you how to create your own health definitions that can generate alerts, check for specific health conditions, and provide repair actions for problems. The following ...
Example: Windows PowerShell In this example, we have: The Windows 10 operating system The PowerShell terminal PowerShell is an improvement on the ‘command prompt’ program that was originally used in Windows, offering much more functionality for scripting and other modern shell features. ...
Microsoft Intune users can leverage the Intune management extension to upload the Hardware Readiness PowerShell script, and then deploy it to a target set of devices. As with any deployment, we recommend testing on a small set of devices before rolling out more broadly. Then...