Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is here. When the Scripting Wife and I were in Amsterdam, Windows PowerShell MVP, Jeff Wouters, told me that a lot of people he ran across had problems looping through collections with Windows PowerShell. Here is a picture of Jeff and me. Basics of lo...
Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is here. Today, The Scripting Wife and I are traveling on our way from Oslo, Norway, to Eindhoven, The Netherlands, where I will speak at the Dutch PowerShell User Group event tomorrow. Tonight, we will spend the night in a sleeper car on the train ...
Mastering PowerShell’s scripting logic, understanding how its object and variable engine works and smartly deploying it on your network will have you wondering why you’ve gone so long without using it. This guide will walk you through the basics of PowerShell, which is easy for entry-...
The SMB PowerShell cmdlets and WMI objects are available by default in Windows Server 2012. There is no need to uninstall components, roles, role services or features. 3. SMB PowerShell cmdlets Here are the SMB PowerShell cmdlets, grouped by area, each with a simple de...
PowerShell providers allow the scripting environment to access the APIs of various components through a common interface, much like WMI providers do. A listing of the currently loaded providers can be found using the get-PSProvider command. The resource exposed by PowerShell providers can be ...
Mastering PowerShell’s scripting logic, understanding how its object and variable engine works and smartly deploying it on your network will have you wondering why you’ve gone so long without using it. This guide will walk you through the basics of PowerShell, which is easy for entry-...
The ISE is the PowerShell development environment and is intended for the creation and debugging of scripts. By default, PowerShell will not allow scripts to be executed. Therefore, we will discuss how to enable scripting. Then we will discuss using the ISE to write scripts. We'll review ...
bymtsimmons|Mar 23, 2023|PowerShell Basics Introduction PowerShell is a powerful scripting language and automation tool that is essential for system administrators. One of the critical tasks administrators perform is managing files across the file system. In this article, we will cover the basics ...
Summary: Learn about Windows PowerShell and Team Foundation Server. Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is here. Today I am happy to introduce a new guest blogger, Susan Ferrell. Susan has spent most of her professional life working with computers, from basement tech startups to high-end ...
report more than one operating system on one machine so that it can be determined if the security control is met. The security control states that only one OS is permitted on any one asset. If I can use powershell to return the results of one or more I can have the audit...