Bioinformatics has a huge industrial application such as the identification of genetic diseases and understanding the varying diverse phenotyping characteristics of a species. It offers a fundamental concept of the evolutionary aspects of organisms throu...
Our results suggest that seasonality likely plays a significant role in shaping the responses of seedlings to nutrient deposition. However, the number of studies conducted in seasonal ecosystems in our review represents only a fraction of the reviewed and existing information. In particular, older ...
With a sequence multi-alignment and a well-supported phylogenetic tree at hand, the next step is the reconstruction of ancestral sequences. Essentially, the same classes of approaches for inferring a phylogeny, i.e. parsimony, likelihood and Bayesian statistics, also apply in the context of infer...
A functionally and genetically diverse microbial therapeutic preparation likely represents the way ahead in development of novel treatment modalities. 3.2. Therapeutic communities for precision medicine The use of defined gut microbial communities as representative and reproducible models of the human gut ...
Note that in a previous work79, it was found that donor microbiota engraftment can be predicted largely from the abundance and phylogeny of bacteria in the donor and the pre-FMT microbiota of the recipient. This does not contradict our simulation results presented in Fig. 5d–f because here ...
microbial communities and the metabolites they produce and consume. This represents a conceptual unification across ecological communities, the resources they depend on, and the influences they have over environmental systems. It is important to recognize that the sample set used here is for ...
Here, we review the genomics of the SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV), its phylogeny, antigenic structure, immune response and potential therapeutic interventions should the SARS epidemic flare up again. *IRIS, Chiron S.r.l., Via Fiorentina 1, 53100 Siena, Italy. ‡Institute of Virology, ...
Molecular clock phylogeny of the complete coding sequences of USUV lineages detected in dead blackbirds from the Netherlands. Annotations correspond to clusters designed by PhyCLIP. Node bars indicate 95% confidence intervals of the time of the most common ancestor. ...
Phylogeny and historical biogeography of New Zealand indigenous Aphidini aphids (Hemiptera, Aphididae): An hypothesis. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 2003, 96, 107–116. [CrossRef] 32. Schneider, D. Using Drosophila as a model insect. Nat. Rev. Genet. 2000, 1, 218–226. [CrossRef] [PubMed...