Undergraduate students' use of mathematical definitions new to them: Evaluating examples, constructing proofs, and responding to true or false statements Evaluating examples, constructing proofs, and responding to true or false statements, Doctoral Dissertation, New Mex- ico State University, Las Cruces ...
Rethinking intelligence: The role of mind-set in promoting success for academically high-risk college students (Doctoral dissertation). Azusa Pacific University. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.usd.edu/pqdtft/docview/756252798/abstract/ 1409398B9003D278E59/17?accountid=14750. Steel...
The problem-solving videos however provide methodological knowledge and provide examples of how to solve par- ticular problems according to the theory previously learnt. The methodology followed is Design & Creation (Peffers et al., 2007). According to this methodology, an artifact is created ...