As a research student, a proportion of your time will be devoted to writing science in a formal academic style. There are many resources that will help you to write your thesis, such asWriting your thesis,Completing your doctorate,Essay and dissertation writing skillsand also otherresources for...
Brian Barker CarterCarter, B. B. (2007). An acoustic comparison of voice use in solo and choir singing in undergraduate and graduate students singers. (DMA dissertation). Retrieved from
As Table3illustrates, Caleb did not draw or discuss a graph or a diagram in any of his seven proof attempts. He considered examples in two of the seven proof attempts: on problems L2 and L6. We now focus on the role played by these examples in these two proof attempts. ...
Rethinking intelligence: The role of mind-set in promoting success for academically high-risk college students (Doctoral dissertation). Azusa Pacific University. Retrieved from 1409398B9003D278E59/17?accountid=14750. Steel...
Kirwan, D. (2017).An investigation of the attitudes and environmental factors that make people more willing to participate in online crime, Masters Dissertation, Technological University Dublin. Kuss, D., & Griffiths, M. (2017). Social networking sites and addiction: Ten lessons learned.Internation...
The problem-solving videos however provide methodological knowledge and provide examples of how to solve par- ticular problems according to the theory previously learnt. The methodology followed is Design & Creation (Peffers et al., 2007). According to this methodology, an artifact is created ...
Abstract Metadiscourse was probably first introduced into applied linguistics in the 1980s and it has attracted continuous interest ever since, despite the fact that some researchers point out its theoretical and methodological shortcomings. Drawing on the model introduced by Hyland (Metadiscourse, Continuu...