Under the Bridge: Creado por Quinn Shephard. Con Lily Gladstone, Vritika Gupta, Chloe Guidry, Javon 'Wanna' Walton. Reena Virk, una niña de catorce años, fue a reunirse con sus amigos en una fiesta y nunca regresó a casa. Siete adolescentes y un v
Under the Bridge《桥下杀人事件(2024)》第一季第六集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,前情提要 Previously, on Under the Bridge... 瑞娜·维尔克被谋杀前的一个晚 Reena Virk was attacked at a Shoreline school event 在海岸线学校的活动中遭到袭击 earlier in the evening b
Under the Bridge: Creado por Quinn Shephard. Con Lily Gladstone, Vritika Gupta, Chloe Guidry, Javon 'Wanna' Walton. Reena Virk, una niña de catorce años, fue a reunirse con sus amigos en una fiesta y nunca regresó a casa. Siete adolescentes y un v
Well, we highly suggest Hulu’s Under the Bridge, which offers a winding mystery that will have you glued to the couch for damn near the entire spring. Under the Bridge, which is based on a true story, follows Rebecca Godfrey (Riley Keough), a writer who travels home to Victoria Falls...
- Victoria. 你真正家乡是哪儿 Where're you really from? 不知道 我是被领养的 I don't know. I'm adopted. 你想出去走走吗 我跟你一起啊 You wanna walk out there? I'd go with you. 我从来都不理解你为什么会喜欢这么做 I never really understood why you like to do that. 你还是觉得如果...
Under the Bridge《桥下杀人事件(2024)》第一季第二集完整中英文对照剧本 热度: 前情提要 Previously,onUndertheBridge... 瑞娜·维尔克被谋杀前的一个晚 ReenaVirkwasattackedataShorelineschoolevent 在海岸线学校的活动中遭到袭击 earlierintheeveningbeforeshewasmurdered. ...
Whereareyoufrom?-Victoria. 你真正家乡是哪儿 Wherereyoureallyfrom? 不知道我是被领养的 Idontknow.Imadopted. 你想出去走走吗我跟你一起啊 Youwannawalkoutthere?Idgowithyou. 我从来都不理解你为什么会喜欢这么做 Ineverreallyunderstoodwhyyouliketodothat. 你还是觉得如果不是我加比还在是吗 YoustillthinkGabe...
Under the Bridge《桥下杀人事件(2024)》第一季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,《桥下杀人事件(2024)》是一部基于真实事件改编的小说,讲述了女孩因自私而受到惩罚,或因为无故受到惩罚的故事。这部小说充满了恐怖和奇幻元素,同时也在探讨了人类自私和贪婪的问题。标题
这个故事将困扰这个岛多年 This story would haunt the island for years to come. 永远改变了一个曾经看起来如此永恒 It forever changed a fact that once seemed so immutable, 如此根本的事实 so fundamental. 维多利亚的年轻女孩才是我们应该保护的 Young girls in Victoria were the ones we were supposed ...
Thisstorywouldhaunttheislandforyearstocome. 永远改变了一个曾经看起来如此永恒 Itforeverchangedafactthatonceseemedsoimmutable, 如此根本的事实 sofundamental. 维多利亚的年轻女孩才是我们应该保护的 YounggirlsinVictoriaweretheonesweweresupposedtoprotect.