The possibility of using a more economical process—intense plastic deformation of superalloys by pressure with torsion under isothermal conditions—is substantiated. It is shown that in this case the critical load on the tool is significantly reduced and the single-transition process of deformation ...
Internal relative humidity(IRH) distribution of concrete with different ratios of water to cement(w/c) and paste volume content in uniaxial isothermal drying condition and IRH changes results from self-desiccation were investigated. The results indicate that, the IRH reduction of concrete increases wit...
Drilling mud window; pressure vs. depth. (Modified after Deepak Gala 2011) Full size image Overbalanced drilling (OBD) techniques are subjected to formation damage with varying degrees of severity, depending upon the formation condition (Jilani et al. 2002). Formation damage occurs mainly due to...
NCERT solutions for CBSE and other state boards is a key requirement for students. Doubtnut helps with homework, doubts and solutions to all the questions. It has helped students get under AIR 100 in NEET & IIT JEE. Get PDF and video solutions of IIT-JEE Mains & Advanced previous year pap...
摘要: Effect of temperature on impedance property of flexible spiral composite is revealed.Strategy to measure pressure and distance under temperature interference is designed.Pressure/distance transducer which works under different temperatures is developed....
Under what condition will the condensation of a liquid be an irreversible process?Question:Under what condition will the condensation of a liquid be an irreversible process?Irreversible processA reaction is characterized by the presence of reactants as well as products. If the ...
All the tests were performed within the range of temperatures and time scales where the degree of cure does not evolve (maximum temperature 90 °C and test duration did not exceed 15 min). As has been shown by Hubert et al. (2001) in an isothermal test at 110 °C, considerable change...
therepeatabilitytests. Keywords:suroundingpressure;rawcoal ;adsorption/desorption;repeatability;isothermaladsorption/desorptioncurves 煤的等温吸附/解吸试验是煤层气测试技术中 不可缺少的重要组成部分,其主要目的是确定 Langmuir体积、Langmuir压力、等温吸附/解吸曲 线等技术参数,这些参数在煤层气储层评价中起重 要作用J...
Despite of aforementioned roles of w/wPS in vivo and in vitro cell model systems, the mobility feature has been overlooked. Spontaneous movement, one of the essential features of living systems, is achieved by consuming chemical energy, such as ATP, under isothermal conditions. On the contrary,...
The diffusional transport of a ternary gaseous mixture of helium, Freon-12, and argon is studied under isothermal conditions by a steady-flow method. The experiments were done at atmospheric pressure and a temperature of 298 K. The data are compared with the theory. It is shown that the mass...