static method 静态法 condition for stability 稳定条件 isothermal process 等温过程 ...|基于2个网页 例句 释义: 全部,稳定条件 更多例句筛选 1. Endorsement of a flawed plan is now a necessary but not a necessarily sufficient condition for stability. 目前,支持存在问题的纾困计划是...
零矩条件Cauchy condition for convergence of a series1.柯西级数收敛条件。condition of affairs1.财产情况说明书, 清算资产负债表, 财务经营状况conditions of appointment1.(职工)委用条件condition of average1.比例分担条件condition of business1.企业环境conditions of calcination1.锻烧条件condition of carriage1...
Z H A N G D W,Y A N G H.Development of transition condition for the regionwith variable-thickness in isothermal localloading process[J].Transactions of NonferrousMetals Society of China,2014,24(4):1101-1108.ZHANG D W, YANG H. Development of transition condition for region with variable-...
What are the conditions to obtain an isothermal process in laboratory? What is law of inertia explain with example? Define simple harmonic motion. What conditions be met? What is Hysteresis Loop? What is its significance? What are conditions necessary for a process to be adiabatic?
ExperimentalResearchon HydraulicResistanceofThrottleSetwithSpecialStructureunderNon-IsothermalConditionwithSingle-PhaseWater 复杂结构节流件非等温单相水阻力特性实验研究 3. Anewmodelforcalculatingthecriticalcoolingrateofbulkmetallic glass under non-isothermalcondition ...
malcontrolproblemfortheclassicalsystemofnonlinearpartialdifferentialequations modellingthewater-oil(isothermaldead-oilmodel). Keywords:extractionofhydrocarbons;deadoilisothermproblem;optimality conditions. 1Introduction Westudyanoptimalcontrolprobleminthediscretecasewhosecontrolsystem isgivenbythefollowingsystemofnonlinear...
aSimons wins raves for the costumes Tilda Swinton wears in I Am Love, which premieres at the Venice Film Festival. Simons赢取为Tilda Swinton佩带我是爱,初次公演在威尼斯电影节的服装叫嚷。[translate] a不同等温跳进啊 The different uniform temperature jumps in[translate] ...
aThe parameter N; plays the same part in isothermal flow as the Mach number does in adiabatic flow. An isothermal process cannot pass through the limiting condition where N, = 1.0. If the flow is initially subsonic, it must remain so and a maximum conduit length for a given inlet velocity...
of the main air, a dehumidification cooling process or a wet cooling process (wet condition) will occur; when the boundary layer air temperature is lower than the main air temperature However, an isothermal cooling process (dry conditions) will occur when the tempera...
of the main air, a dehumidification cooling process or a wet cooling process (wet condition) will occur; when the boundary layer air temperature is lower than the main air temperature However, an isothermal cooling process (dry conditions) will occur when the temperature is above its ...