Fatal error: Call to undefined function exif_imagetype() 很明显,是php安装时没有打开某些扩展,以致不能执行exif_imagetype()这个方法,因此需要打开。 网上很多人说需要打开下面这两个扩展: extension=php_exif.dll extension=php_mbstring.dll 但只说对了一半,我一开始也按照网上文章说的打开这两个扩展,但是还...
打开扩展 extension=php_exif.dll
解决call an undefined function exif_imagetype() 打开扩展 extension=php_exif.dll 并将extension=php_mbstring.dll ,放到extension=php_exif.dll前边
保证extension=php_mbstring.dll 在extension=php_exif.dll 之前
Call to undefined function app\\controller\\Index\\Settings\\exif_imagetype(),dd(exif_imagetype($file));需要开启拓展...
(-4) HTTP 错误 401.3 - Unauthorized 由于 Web 服务器上此资源的访问控制列 Kangle SSL 证书安装指南 织梦安装出现dir corethink框架程序默认后台地址与默认帐号密码 如何解决mp4格式视频不能播放 解决call an undefined function exif_imagetype() 微擎密码找回工具 For 0.5、0.6、0.7、0.8、1.0 Linux下查看系统...
在开发过程中遇到用jpg图片创建image报错,致命错误: Call to undefined function app\index\controller\imagecreatefromjpeg()。用phpinfo查看发现gd没有支持jpg。工具/原料 phpstorm lnmp环境 centos 2.6系统 查找原因 1 在网站的根目录新建一个php文件用phpinfo()查看配置。发现gd里面没有对jpg的支持。只支持了png...
Hello community, I read that on older php versions exif read function was not working properly on certain images. I should have been patched with new php versions... But not fully... On recent DJI images, I have a persistent uncapacity t...
vite:config error: [Function: error], vite:config clearScreen: [Function: clearScreen], vite:config hasErrorLogged: [Function: hasErrorLogged] vite:config }, vite:config packageCache: Map(0) {}, vite:config createResolver: [Function: createResolver], ...
private function parseBoundaryFromHeaders(string $contentType): string { try { [$mimeType, $boundary] = explode(';', $contentType); [$boundaryKey, $boundaryValue] = explode('=', $boundary); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new BadRequest("Error while parsing boundary in Content-Type ...