Fatal error: Call to undefined function exif_imagetype() 很明显,是php安装时没有打开某些扩展,以致不能执行exif_imagetype()这个方法,因此需要打开。 网上很多人说需要打开下面这两个扩展: extension=php_exif.dll extension=php_mbstring.dll 但只说对了一半,我一开始也按照网上文章说的打开这两个扩展,但是还...
保证extension=php_mbstring.dll 在extension=php_exif.dll 之前
打开扩展 extension=php_exif.dll
解决call an undefined function exif_imagetype() 打开扩展 extension=php_exif.dll 并将extension=php_mbstring.dll ,放到extension=php_exif.dll前边
Call to undefined function app\\controller\\Index\\Settings\\exif_imagetype(),dd(exif_imagetype($file));需要开启拓展...
ExifInterfaceStreamType FaceDetector FaceDetector.Face GetDevicesTargets HdcpLevel IAudioMetadataMap IAudioMetadataReadMap IAudioRecordingMonitor IAudioRouting IAudioRoutingOnRoutingChangedListener Image Image.Plane ImageReader ImageReader.Builder ImageReader.ImageAvailableEven...
Unable to save report in .pdf, specifying error : A call to PInvoke function 'Microsoft.ReportViewer.Common! Uncommitted new row cannot be deleted. Undefined function 'GETDATE' in expression (Ms access connection) Underscore in label.content in WPF app Unique decompression library for all mos...
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function exif_imagetype() 一、错误由来 在php中直接使用exif_imagetype函数来获取客户端发送过来的,图片文件的类型,代码如下: if( !empty($_FILES['upload_file']['filename']) && $_FILES['upload_file']['error'] == 0 ){ $file = $_FILES['uplo...
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mime_content_type() 在网找到该问题的原因及解决办法。 查看了最新的php手册发现php mime_content_type()函数已经被废弃,当然官方不推荐使用,而且需要经过适当的php配置后才能使用。因此要获取图片或其他的文件的MIME类型,Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mime_...
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imagecreatefromjpeg() Jul 16 '05, 11:48 PM Folks, I feel like pulling my hair out - I tried unsuccessfully over the past few days to install ImagMagick but because of version conflicts and missing libraries I had to give up. I originally choose...