House Undergraduate Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Facility's inclusion of wired and wireless access to the campus network; Number of public computer workstations in the library; Media lab for sound and video editing.Orphan...
北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill),根据北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校最新公布数据信息显示,大学2023年在读人数为31,305人,其中本科生人数为19,632人,海外生比例约为8.77%。从近两年整体录取境况看,国际学生的录取率呈现小幅提升,大学官方具体公布的录取率为24.85%。在学费方面,这几...
北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校本科(Undergraduate)费用: UNC本科学费主要费用包涵了学杂费、住宿费、书本费等;UNC每学年分为两个学期,国际本科生学费约为$37,643美金/年,每学期的学费较上一学期会有小幅增涨,幅度不大。选择上UNC确实是一项比较大的经济投资,但这所大学值得学习,就是因为它有相当强的认可度和实力,所...
This virtual session is open to current undergraduate and non-MBA masters students! Register Campus Events Each year, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill: Undergraduates & Masters students choose to start their careers at BCG. Attend a recruiting event that's right for you & speak ...
Public school in North Carolina with 20,000 total undergraduate students Urban Southeast Medical school On campus housing D1 Football, D1 Basketball Atlantic Coast Conference 103 South Bldg Cb 9100, Chapel Hill, NC 27599 (919) 962-2211 Chancing What are your chances of acceptance? You...
Chapel Hill, NC 27599 Attention – Office of Undergraduate Admissions, CB 2200 Tel: (919) 966-3621 Email: Tel: (919) 966-3621 05审课截止时间 * 6月1日前递交:会在秋季开课第一天前收到预转学分评估(即审批结果); ...
Undergraduate students may apply to RIPS-LA and RIPS-Singapore 链接 Research in Industrial Projects for Students (RIPS) Programs 链接:
Fill out the online application for undergraduate admissions completely, making sure to pay the nonrefundable application cost. The minimum GPA requirement for all planned college coursework is 2.5 (or 2.75 if you attended other schools while attending UNC). ...
Chapel Hill, NC 27599 Attention – Office of Undergraduate Admissions, CB 2200 Tel: (919) 966-3621 Email: unchelp@admissions.unc.eduTel: (919) 966-3621 05审课截止时间 * 6月1日前递交:会在秋季开课第一天前收到预转学分评估(即审批结果); ...
北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校本科(Undergraduate)学费: UNC本科学费分为Residents(居民)和Nonresidents(非居民),这里的居民是指本州的居民,而非加州居民都属于非居民。居民的学费按照官网公示来是有相应减免的,比例大约在总学费的一半左右。而对于国际留学生的学费根据最新官网公布为$37,186 美元/年。并且必须注意的是,...