This virtual session is open to current undergraduate and non-MBA masters students. Register February 11, 2025 | 12:00PM ET Virtual BCG Launch: Intro to Consulting: Business Join our Business panel of BCGers as they share how they use their Business majors as consultants. This virtual ...
Chapel Hill, North Carolina•4-year•Public Add to my list Overview Cost & scholarships Majors Admissions Essay prompt Your chances - Acceptance rate 20% Public school in North Carolina with 20,000 total undergraduate students Urban Southeast Medical school On campus housing D1 Football, D1 ...
The Experience Labs' (XL) mission is to accelerate technical experience and build community among undergraduate CS majors at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The XL's web app, found in production at, is backed by this repository. Get Started with a Development ...
House Undergraduate Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Facility's inclusion of wired and wireless access to the campus network; Number of public computer workstations in the library; Media lab for sound and video editing.Orphan...
(39countiesinNorthCarolina)25%Out-o -Stateresidents75thpercentileGPAandLSAT3.69165MedianGPAandLSAT3.5116325thpercentileGPAandLSAT3.33161Agerange21-44Medianage2328yearsandolder12%Studentso color28%Femalestudents48%Malestudents52%Collegesanduniversities93Undergraduatemajors71Percentagewithgraduatedegrees10%GEOGRAPHIC...
The Most Popular Majors At UNC Let’s get to know which are among the most popular majors at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Social Sciences: 23 Graduates Nursing: 782 Graduates Biology: 193 Graduates Psychology: 245 Graduates ...
As one of the nation’s first public institutions, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is the flagship of the state’s public university system and the paradigm for American public education. The school has over seventy majors—anything from Peace, War, and Defense to Photojournalism...
Reports that the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill's School of Information and Library Sciences recognized 20 graduates from its undergraduate program in information science at its 2004 graduation ceremony.OrphanStephanieCollege & Research Libraries News...